24-That night

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"Are we there yet?" Taehyung complained, constantly looking at his phone to check the time.

"Hyung you sound like a little kid" Jungkook chuckled and the other shifted himself closer to him.

"Yah! Says you," he flicked Jungkook on the ear and Jungkook pulled a face at Taehyung in response "See told you you were the only little kid here"

Jungkook turned himself towards the window in a pout "Well at least I don't still sleep with my teddy bears" he scoffed rudely.

Taehyung went hot red and jumped on top of him "Don't mention that out loud".

Jungkook smirked, he knew everything about him like the back of his hand.

"And how you..." but he could not finish his sentence before he was pinned to the floor with his mouth covered by a hand. So he did what any 'little kid' would do and licked the hand.

"Eww!" he heard the other shout and the hand was taken off his mouth. He looked up to see everyone staring at the two with the same monotone look, apart from Jin whom was focused on driving and Namjoon who was casually typing on his tablet.

His eyes darted up for a second and then back down "Can you flirt somewhere else? Im trying to write a fanf...book here" he complained.

Taehyung and Jungkook shrugged and went back to sitting down on the seats next to each over. It got extremely awkward.

Jungkook was so thankful when Jin called that they had arrived and everyone left the limo.

Their destination was a old abandoned house. It looked like at one time it would have been such a pleasant place to live but now moss covered the walls and it was gradually rotting.

Jin stepped in front of the others "This place doesn't look too safe so everyone be careful. Remember we are looking for a document 51 not any other. The owners of this property may be long gone but we should still respect their privacy"

Automatically everyone split up: Taehyung and Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi and Jin and Namjoon.

Jin and Namjoon decided to look upstairs, Namjoon was brave and declared that he would search the attic while Jin went to look in somewhere which seemed like a bedroom.

Jin searched the distorted room, there was many cupboard; all empty apart from one. That cupboard contained a neatly placed box with a hand made red ribbon. Jin knew it was wrong but curiosity took the better of him and he opened the box.

Inside was a folder of different diary entries but the folder itself is what intrigued Jin the most for the cover carried an odd message which triggered something lost at the back of his mind.

This is for Jeon Jungkook, my brother who I love so much.

By now you are probably suffering and it is all my fault.

And I'm sorry.

If everything went to plan you would have joined Jin's society and witnessed his death on the night of the lock down.

Before you join him I ordered a mission for you thus you will finally discover the truth.

This is an entry from a while back before I had to hide but they are coming for me so have no time to save you myself.

Please read this I don't want you to die not knowing your life was a lie.

Please know that you are loved.

Yours truly,

- S.Jeon

Jin knew this wasn't ever for him to read. He knew the plan but he never found out the full truth of what happened before and after that night.

The night Jungkook and his brother moved in next door...

Written date: 12th February 2018
Published date: 24th February 2018

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