Chapter 12

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"Dinner" was silent.


Not like it was dinner, just a piece of bread and some water.


I wonder what would happen if I acted differently in the train.


What would happen to me.


But all I know right now is if I open up my mouth, then I’m next.


“Everyone. Follow. Me.” Chase snaps, acting as if nothing happened.


“Wait, Where’s Eric?” Someone calls out.


Chase doesn't respond, and starts walking, even though we could hear her from a mile away.


Soon, everyone stops at a large pit, across it, clean clothes and a dining table.


“Now. Who wants to go through?” Chase questions.


I hear No’s and other things, and Chase smiles.


“There are two choices. Cross, or rot.”


No one opens their mouth.


A small, petite girl walks forward, and stares at Chase.


“What will happen if I enter?”


“You’ll just have to find out.”


And with that remark, the girl puts one step forward, and drops in.


Not a sound.


We wait for a plop, but don't hear one.


“Next.” Chase says blandly.


People start yelling, and the one thing that catches my eye, Is the guy thats about to throw A 3 year old boy into the pit.


“No!” I start to yell, but I’m too late.


The guy chucked the boy, and I dive in after him.


I grasp the boy’s warm body, and he starts to wine.


Then, Everything disappears.


The boy that was in my arms.


The walls.


All I see, is some rocks, And Trees.


Everything else is fogged up.


“Hey Crystal!”

I turn around and see someone I thought I never would have seen again.


Defying All OddsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz