Chapter 8 (Discovered?)

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Sasuke P.O.V

    Today is exactly 13 days after Valentine's Day and Sakura still can't get over what I did. I guess I'm just an amazing boyfriend. Anyway, today is exam day for the students, which means every class I have today will have to take an exam for the whole 45-minute period. Its days likes this that makes Sakura restless. Sakura always has to be up and moving, which she can do during regular lessons but with exams, she has to stay confined to her desk. 

    'Why?' You may be asking. Well the school rule is "For the sake of the students, during exams you will not be allowed to get up from your desk unless a student needs help. If you do get up you might gain some students' attention by moving around and/or making noise." Stupid rule. 

     Sakura also stresses about the amount of work she has to do such as, grading the tests, making lesson plans, and meeting with parents to discuss grades. Sakura also has anxiety and it can get the best of her. Anytime she gets anxiety because of stress (A/N: Does this happen when someone has anxiety? Please tell me!) I just want to cradle her in my arms and comfort her.

     Anyways, now I have to get ready for work. Sakura already left because she has some work to do for Principal Tsunade. 

~Le Time Skip~

   I had just gotten to school when I realized all the students were staring at me. I disregarded it and went to class. I walked into the classroom and immediately all eyes were on me. I felt my social anxiety "kicking in". "Ohayo class." "Ohayo Mr. Uchiha." "Take out your textbooks and turn to page 69." "Heh 69." I heard one of the boys chuckle "What was that?" "U-Uh nothing Mr.Uchiha!" I shot him my death glare. " I-I mean it! I-It was nothing!" "Sure."

~TiMe SkIp~

     I opened the homemade bento from Sakura and started eating. 'Where is Sakura anyway?' I thought. I then pulled out my black iPhone 8 and clicked the name "Beloved Blossom💕🌸💍". It rang. 

    "Hi darling." "Hello Forehead." "Anata I told you not to call me that!" "Ah gomen. Anyway, I noticed the students looking at me weirdly." "Um." "Sakura is there something you are not telling me?" "Anata." She sighed. "Anata today while I was helping Principal Tsunade I was talking about us." "Okay." "After I had stopped talking she made the morning announcements. When she was finished I showed her the pictures we took on Valentine's Day. She said, "You and Sasuke are so cute!" "Go on" Sakura gulped. "She didn't notice that she was still pressing the button on the P.A that turns on the mic. So the whole school kinda found out that we are together!" "That's not a problem." I said normally. "W-What?" "I don't care that people know about our relationship." " Really?" "Yes. I'm actually happy that people know of our love." "Sasuke?" "Yes?" "YOU BAKA! YOU HAD ME WORRIED THAT YOU'D BE MAD AND BREAK UP WITH ME!" I chuckled. "Sakura you always overthink things. I would never leave you." "R-Really?" "Really." I said in a low voice. 

     "A-Anata. I love you." 

     "I love you too Sakura, with everything I have."

A/N:  Sorry for slow updates, I've been busy with school and watching anime and K-pop videos. Also, I died writing this chapter. Save me (Starts singing BTS's Save Me aggressively)         

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