Valentine's Day <3 Part 1

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Quick A/N- This is a month after Hinata and Naruto have joined the faculty. 

Naruto's POV

Today is February 14th so that means its Single Awareness Day! Oh its also Valentine's Day. I don't know which I'll be celebrating today. Do I want a Valentine, and if I do who? Maybe one of the female teachers that fangirl over me or maybe the midnight haired beauty Hinata Hyuga? Oh well, I'll just pick up a few roses and a box of chocolates at Target on the way to school!

~Le Time Skip~

I just got to school and the gifts are tucked away in my briefcase. Now, you may be wondering why would I ask Hinata to be my Valentine? Haven't I only known her for a month? Well, 

~Flashback Time to 2 months ago~

I had just arrived at Starbucks to get a hot chocolate because it was freezing outside (don't judge). I had finished ordering my drink and took a seat waiting for my name to be called. As I was waiting checking Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, a woman walked in. She was wearing a light purple beanie, black leggings, a purple button-up coat, and black ankle boots. She had the longest midnight hair I had ever seen! She was running in to escape the snow falling from the sky. I had mustered my courage and decided to talk to her! As I was walking over to her I heard "Hot chocolate order for Naruto!" "That's me!" I walked over to the counter, collected my drink and turned to confront her but she was gone. I sighed, walked out the door and started to make my way home.

I entered my home "I'm home. Oh wait I have no one to welcome me home." Let me explain. I'm 23 years old so naturally I would probably be living alone no biggie. Also, if you had a lot of time on your hands you would probably visit your parents. 

~Backstory Time~

Well I don't have parents... well anymore. About a year ago my parents and I were going on a little trip. Everything was great so far, the trip was fun and we made amazing memories! When we were driving back was when it happened. It was 10:17 pm exactly and it was raining. There was a car that was coming straight at us, speeding. The driver was drunk, next thing I know there was screaming and red. "Naruto we love you!" I heard my mom and dad scream. "Mom, Dad I love you too! What's happening?!" "Don't worry Naruto! Just know we will always be with you! No matter what! Goodbye!" That was the last thing I had heard from my parents' mouths. 

When the ambulance arrived I had figured out what happened. Drunk driver + rain + pitch black night= crash. The car was upside-down and the blood was rushing to my head then black. I woke up in a hospital bed and the physical pain from the crash was gone but the emotional and mental pain still remained.

~Backstory End~

I sat on the couch and pulled out my phone. I was scrolling through Instagram when I stumbled upon a picture that had the girl I saw in Starbucks today. I looked at the username it was "Byakugan_Hinata<3". 'Such a kawaii username! I wonder what Byakugan is though.' 

To be Continued...

A/N~ Hey my potatoes! I know its past V-day but I busy with school and was sick for a little bit. I just had to write a chapter for you guys! This is going to be a two part special. Stay Tuned for more NaruHina! ^w^ <3

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