Chapter Three {Meeting}

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Naruto's P.O.V
As I locked eyes with the beauty across the hall I didn't realize my students and her students staring at us, looking at her and then back at me. Then the announcements came on, "Good Morning students!" I heard Principal Tsunade's voice blast through the speakers. "Today there will be no drama club as Ms. Ino Yamanaka is absent!" I heard groans from my class. I guess Ms. Yamanaka is popular here. "Also, teachers there is a meeting afterschool! That is all for now." A meeting?! I haven't even interacted with another teacher here! Oh well I'll wait until the end of the day to see what its about.
~Time Skip~
Hinata's P.O.V
I got to the faculty room for the meeting and heard two women talking. "So, Ino why are you here?" "I just came to school for the meeting." "You're not staying for the drama club?" "No. I'm too sick to be dealing with the students." "Oh okay. Well when the new teachers come the meeting will start!" I walked in and saw a beautiful pink haired woman who had bright jade eyes. She was standing next to a beautiful blonde who had piercing blue eyes. "H-Hello, I'm Hinata Hyuga the new math teacher here." I manage to say despite my nervousness. "Hi Hinata I'm Sakura and this is Ino!" The pink haired woman said. "Hey Hinata I can tell we'll all be great friends!" The blonde exclaimed. Just then a black haired man came in. "Sasuke!" Sakura exclaimed. "Hinata this is Sasuke also known as Mr.Uchiha the science teacher. He's also my boyfriend!" Both Sasuke and her blushed at that last part. "Aw so cute" Ino gushed. I have to agree they were so cute together. Then another black haired man came in. "Sai!" "Hey babe." Ino blushed profusely at the man. "Hinata this is my boyfriend Sai. He's the art teacher here." Ino says. "H-Hello Sai I'm Hinata Hyuga the new math teacher!" "Hello Hinata."
As everyone got seated a man with a ponytail, that kind of looked like a pineapple, came in. "Sorry for being late. I fell asleep on my desk." Of course." Sakura sweatdropped. Just then someone came running in. My eyes went wide it was...

Hey guys Author~Sama here! sorry for late updates I have school. Then again don't we all ('-﹏-';)     
That's all for now! Author signing off Bye my potatoes!! (>ω<)

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