12: Who The Hell Are You!?

Start from the beginning

"You better leave, RIGHT.FUCKING.NOW Yugyeom! How fucking dare you show your face here, you damn stalker, get out!"

All the shouting and swearing is out of Yoongi's character, sure I've heard him swear a few times, but not like this. And I've NEVER heard him shout like this before.

"Oh come on, don't be like that. Don't you miss our times together, Yoongi baby? I'm so much better than that pet of yours. Don't you remember how tight I am, how good it felt to fuck me with your huge-"

Tears start streaming down my face.


What? But I-I thought Yoongi loved me...

We are together...


I'm so confused.


I can't stand here and listen to this anymore. I've heard enough.

I run past the stupid man, and out the front door, tears streaming down my face. I hear Yoongi shout my name endless times, trying to stop me, but I don't listen.

I don't stop running.

Yoongi has had a boyfriend this whole time. He never told me. So what am I to him, does he love me?

Why didn't he tell me...

We've been sleeping in the same bed at night, cuddling with one another. Having sex, kissing.

He helped me in my heat... all of those are things we shouldn't have done. But it's too late now...

He said he loved me, I said it back.

That means he's been cheating...

If Yoongi has a boyfriend, we shouldn't have been doing any of that. And we certainly can't do it anymore.

I look around me and realise that I'm back in the place where I started.

This is the exact spot where I was all those months ago.

In the forest.

It's the same tree that I was sleeping against for months and months, maybe even a year. I lost track of time when I lived here.

Now, I'm back here again. The one place I was terrified of coming back to.

And yet, I'm here.

I sit down, my back against the same tree where I once rested all day and every night, shivering in the cold, the rain, feeling too hot in the heat. All weathers.

I pull my knees against my chest and rest my head in my arms as I sob and sob, my eyes almost swelling shut from the amount of salty tears escaping them.

I just can't stop crying.

My heart is broken, my ears are flat against my head in my sadness.

What did I do to deserve such a depressing life, filled with disappointment, sadness and betrayal. Why can't I find someone to make me truly happy- I thought that person was Yoongi, but clearly I was wrong.

I lift my head up, anxious when I think I hear Yoongi's voice calling my name.


I just imagined it.

He's with his boyfriend, probably "fucking" right now, as the other man put it.

He's probably already forgotten about me.

But then I hear his voice again, but this time louder, as if he's now closer.

The shouting carries on, getting increasingly louder and louder until I'm sure he's only a few metres away from me.

What am I doing just sitting here?

I stand up, ready to start running away, when I'm pulled into someone's arms, before I can even take a step.

Much to my annoyance, my ears perk up when I smell Yoongi's familiar scent.

"Jimin! Oh thank god! I found you! Do you know how fucking worried I was?! Why did you run away sweetheart?"

I blink up at Yoongi in shock.


"Yoongi, what about your boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend? Jimin, he was never my boyfriend, we had sex ONCE, and that was when he got me extremely drunk months ago, before I even met you, and I regretted it the day after and every day ever since. He wouldn't leave me alone after that night, constantly pestering me and calling me, knocking on my door every week. I promise you that he is most definitely NOT my boyfriend, but YOU are. I love you Jimin, you know that."


I look to the ground, ignoring Yoongi's stare.

"Baby, look at me."

I hesitantly look up at him,

"Oh Jiminie, please don't cry. I love you, okay? I love you so damn much, please know that. You're my boyfriend and don't worry, I got rid of him, he won't come back."

A/N: Don't think anything morbid, Yoongi didn't kill anyone okay? 😂😂

My face is peppered with kisses, making me let out a giggle at the ticklish sensation.

I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him, forgiving him instantly. He squeezes me back, kissing my hair over and over again. My tears cease as Yoongi's body and scent comfort me.

I start shivering, I realise it's because all I'm wearing is an oversized shirt and nothing else, not even shoes.

"Yoonie I'm c-cold."

"You came out in just my shirt, you silly Kitty, come on, let's get you back home. I'll make you some warm milk and you can have as many cookies as you like."

Yoongi picks me, carrying me back home, wrapping his jacket around my body to warm me up.

"Really?! Thank you Yoonie!"

"Anything for you Kitten.
I love you." He pecks my lips.

"I love you too!"

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