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For @\TiffanySkals: a first date picnic

Mitch spreads out the blanket, taking the time to smooth out all the corners and everything, while Scott stands near him with the basket of food, looking supremely awkward and uncomfortable. When Mitch kneels down on the blanket, though, Scott smiles and joins him. He seems relieved to have a task, now that he's occupied by unpacking the food and utensils. He sets everything out in a semicircle around them, all the little colorful Tupperware containers within easy reach.

Now Mitch understands Scott's earlier awkwardness; without a job to do, he's not sure what to do with his hands, not sure what to say, not sure if Scott expects him to help or not. He's always terrible at small talk anyway, so he keeps silent.

Scott finishes setting up the picnic. They both sit quietly for a few seconds, then reach for the bottle of wine at the same time. Their fingers brush and Scott laughs. Mitch echoes him.

He takes the bottle and two of Scott's little plastic cups, pours them each a glass and hands one over. Scott's smiling at him, just watching him, practically beaming, and it's a little weird, but it's nice too. The awkwardness will fade. This is going to be nice.


For @\dolcettosammy: ice skating with one of them struggling

"How are you so good at this?" Mitch grumbles, peeking up for just a millisecond to see Scott slowly drifting backward a few feet ahead of him. He's going backward and he's not falling down. "You're supposed to be the clumsy, awkward one."

"Hey, just because I have long legs doesn't mean I don't know how to use them," Scott replies. He holds out both hands. "You want me to help you?"

Mitch doesn't really want to take his hands off the wall. He shifts one foot forward and his ankle wobbles worryingly. There's no way, there's just no way. If he grabs for Scott's outstretched hand, he'll just pull Scott down too. No, he'll just stay here against the wall and freeze his ass off while Scott does speedy, graceful laps around the rink. He sighs. It's not fair.

"Come on," Scott says, taking hold of Mitch's forearms with both gloved hands. "I won't let you fall, I promise."


For @\bellefordays: Scott/Mark/Mason's Valentine's Day date

Mark has never felt awkward when they go out on dates, not even when Scott was a new addition to their relationship, but tonight, this stereotypically romantic night, at this restaurant, with their stereotypically romantic candle and cocktails, he's on edge, almost jittery.

He sips his drink and listens to Scott's enthusiastic retelling of a meeting that was probably boring in real life, but that's what Scott does, he makes boring things fun and exciting and interesting. Mason, sitting to Scott's left, has his chin in his hand and he's staring at Scott adoringly, and this night really should be just like any other date night, but somehow it's not.

Mark feels a hand on his thigh and he jumps, suddenly realizing he hasn't been listening to Scott's story. Mason's looking at him now from across the table, and it's Scott's hand on his leg.

"You okay?" Mason asks. Mark nods quickly.

Scott squeezes his thigh. "Everything's fine," he says in a low voice. "Nobody cares, and it doesn't matter anyway. It's just us here tonight, that's all that matters."

Mark nods again, looking from Mason's concerned gaze to Scott's, and the anxiety coiling inside him begins to unwind.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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