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The "chapters" of this book are incomplete snippets of scenes that I never intend to continue or finish, so if you're not into that, give this one a skip. Those of you that are into it: I write every day, and often these scenes and drabbles are disconnected from any actual storyline or "real" fic I'm working on. So this is basically a test journal that I'd like to share with you. We'll start with something short and sweet that I wrote the other night.

Mitch rolls over, hesitant to open his eyes until he feels the warm figure beside him. He suddenly doesn't know where he is, or who he's with, and he jerks awake, half-sitting up in bed to take in his surroundings. It's his own room, his childhood room, he's in Texas, he's in his parents' house. He lets out a long, slow breath and settles back against his pillow. There's a stuffed animal wedged under his arm, and there's a cat curled up against his foot like a heater.

He looks to his right and sees a broad shoulder, pale and freckled. Scott. Of course it's Scott. Mitch closes his eyes again and scoots closer, so they're lying on the same pillow. He rubs his nose gently against the back of Scott's neck.

Scott hums a little, clearly still asleep, and Mitch slides one hand around his waist. He's not usually the big spoon when they cuddle up to each other, but it's sort of nice to hold Scott like this, to touch him and smell him and bury his face against Scott's back.

He doesn't remember falling asleep last night, doesn't remember Scott getting into bed with him, and it doesn't matter that alcohol was likely involved, because Mitch knows he's safe with Scott, and there's nothing that could've happened last night that could ruin them.

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