Chapter 6 - Olivia

Start from the beginning

"Wake up sleepy heads!! WE'RE GOING OUT!" Lee announced as he walked into the room.

"...ughghghghghghg coffee..." I grunted.

"It's on the table. Abby, you up too?" asked Lee, he poked and prodded the bed with a hanger.

"Fuck! Ow! Stop poking me, Lee!" Abby protested.

I sat up and Lee gave me a look -- a smirk. I shook my head at him signifying that this was nothing.


You slept in here again?


Yeah, why?


Idk. You guys looked cute tho ;)




Jon thinks this should be a thing too. It's not just me.



"Let's go! We have places to go! Things to see! DAMN GUYS, WE'RE IN AMSTER...DAM!" I laughed.

I scheduled a bike tour for all of us, then a cruise through the canals, then a tour of the Red Light District...of course we hit up some coffee shops along the way.

I plopped myself onto the bed. "I'M SO TIRED BUT ALSO HUNGRY!!!!! LET'S GET DINNER!" I yelled to whoever was around and listening.

"Everyone went back to their rooms and are going to bed, you literally tired everyone out with your excursions, Liv." said Abby.

"What about you? Wanna get food?" I smirked.

"Ugh fine! But I want room service. My feet are killing me!" protested Abby.

" room service. I have a place! I promise you won't regret it!! Please, munch? Please! Please! Please!!!!" I begged.

" service or you get food alone, Liv!" protested Abby.

I batted my eyes at Abby and pouted.


She's so easy. I smiled, jumped out of bed, grabbed Abby's hand, and ran out the door!

I stood flush against Abby's back and covered her eyes. I had my driver drop us off at this spot on the canal. It was a boathouse run by a sweet dutch couple that closed down their restaurant and renovated this boathouse into a small, intimate restaurant. I placed my hands gently over Abby's eyes and positioned her just right to get the whole picture.

"Surprise! This is where we're having dinner!" I said excitedly.

"OH MY GOD!" Abby said eagerly.

We stepped onto the boat and I introduced Abby to Levi and Norah the owners, I had contacted them earlier when I noticed the rest of the group slowing down, I figured only the strongest would last for dinner and this place only seated 10. We sat at the bow of the boat where Norah had set a table for the two of us. It was beautiful, candlelit with fresh flowers everywhere.

"How'd you find out about this place?" asked Abby.

"Hmph...Lucas..." I muttered.

"Oh...well it's beautiful! Romantic too! Are you trying to wine and dine me, Olivia?" teased Abby.

"I mean, I'm already sleeping in your bed most nights, I thought it'd only be right to buy you dinner," I joked.

We laughed and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the Amsterdam canals as we ate our meal.

"You're still crying at night, munch..." I said quietly.

"I know. I mean, I didn't realize it until I woke up and my eyes were as swollen as fucking tomatoes. I just...I guess it still bothers me that I didn't know he was shooting up. I dream about confronting him and that's usually when I cry because I'm so angry at him. You don't have to come in my room, you know. But I do appreciate it. I know you're there, I can feel you and the dream stops and I feel okay," she said.

I nodded, "comforting you helps me too but if you want me to stop I will, Abby."

"How does it help you?" Abby asked curiously.

"I haven't been sleeping lately, literally everything keeps me up at night. At first, I thought it was performance high from the concerts, but it was every night -- even when we don't have a show. I was writing but then that stopped working. Comforting you, focusing on you has been working, maybe because I wasn't sleeping alone anymore too," I confessed.

"Well, maybe we just get rid of my room and stay in your suite because not sleeping alone obviously stops the crying and puts you to sleep. Saves my label money too," Abby joked.

I watched Abby laugh at her own idea, was she serious or joking because she makes a point. I haven't been able to sleep through the night in nine months -- since I left Lucas. She looked beautiful in this lighting. Her profile is my favorite, but her big brown eyes...I could get lost in those eyes. Let me see your eyes, Abby. There they are...she looked at me then back down at her wine glass. She looked up at me and smiled, it felt like a ray of sunshine just shone down on me and only me.

"I'm really glad you came," I said.

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