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Please read the A/N at the end!! I love you all!!

I also just want to mention that I have posted the first part of my new story "Broken Ice". It's a Nouis story so go check it out if you want!!

words: 1459

-Wednesday August 29th; 2 ish months later-

Niall's PoV. 

I walked up the path just as the sun started to rise over the other side of the hill. It was a beautiful sight to see. Once I reach my destination, i sigh. I sit down on the ground and look at all 4 head stones lined up next to each other. "Hi mom, dad, Allie, Josh."

The rising sun glints off of all the headstones in the graveyard, making such a somber place oddly beautiful. After stupidly running away/leaving, I came back home-home. I've been staying with my aunt. I also got the time to visit a therapist/shrink. My nightmares are gone. I feel better... mostly. Something Just doesn't feel right, and i know exactly what it is. I want my friends, Liam and harry. But most of all... I need Louis.

"I miss you guys." I say in a hushed voice, pulling my knees up to my chest. I've been coming here at least once a week, just telling them -or their graves..- what's been going on. I've told them absolutely everything that they've missed. Everything, but one...

"Um.. I had a dream last night... about uh - about Louis.. Again." I chuckle softly. "I never mentioned this before but... Louis... he said he's in love with me. Can you believe that? Granted, that was a few months ago... But I just hope more than anything he still feels the same way."

It's silent as a breeze blows by, tossing my hair around, "I feel dirty, y'know? I left right after he told me... I know I shouldn't have. I wasn't thinking, and now that's all i can do. I was scared... scared he was lying, trying to trick me or something... but everyday, i can see the look in his eyes, and i know he was being sincere."

"He said he'd never hurt me, he made a promise-" I wipe at my eyes when i feel them watering, causing me to chuckle bitterly, "-but I'm the one that hurt him. He stayed to help me, even when Damon tried to kill me, he was there. I left him when he said he's in love with me."

"God, I'm such a coward."I groan, staring at Allie's head stone. I can almost hear her snicker in agreement.

"You were right, Allie," I whisper, my voice sounding very high pitched, "I love Louis."

The words slipped past my lips before i could think twice. It's the first time I've ever actually said it. I clamp a hand over my mouth. "Oh my god... I'm in love with Louis..."

I stand up, the sun has now fully risen. I slip my shirt off of my head and get a running start before i burst into flight. I remember the lads making plans for Liam's birthday before I left. Hopeful nothing has changed. I need to see Louis. Now.


I see the restaurant, so i start my landing. It's almost 7pm now, so they should already be in there. I stumble quite a bit when my feet come into contact with the ground, but i don't fall. I rush into the restaurant, and thankfully the hostess isn't there at the moment, so i don't get kicked out for not having a shirt... or for just walking in. 

I walk in, scanning the place. People stare and gasp when they see my wings, so i keep them loosely by my sides so i don't knock anything over. A sigh of relief rushes past my lips when i see my friends sitting in a booth.

I see Harry and Zayn facing my direction, the couple holding hands as Harry leans on Zayn's shoulder. Liam and Louis have their backs to me. I walk up to the group slowly.

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