Chapter 8

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5sos finally released new music!! 'Want You back'!! i don't know if any of you are a fan of theirs, but i am. The start might not be the best, but listen to it till at least the chorus and see what you think ahha. 

I know I usually update on Thursdays, but i think I'll just publish chapters whenever now. At least once a week, probably more though haha.

Anyway, enjoy this chapter

Words: 973

Niall's PoV.

It's surprisingly 1pm already, I'm just waiting for Ashton. I jump up from the couch when i hear a knock on the door. Speak of the devil. Once the door is opened, I smile at Ashton, and step aside to let him in.

"Wow." He breathes out, looking around at what he can see of the dorm from where he stands.

"What?" I chuckle nervously as i close the dorm behind him.

"Your dorm is so nice! What the fuck? It's huge man!" Ashton exclaims as he plops down on the couch. I follow suit, sitting next to him.

"I thought the same when I first saw it too mate."

"Do you have a dorm mate?" Ashton turns to me, propping himself up on his elbow.

"Yeah, but he's out right now. We have the dorm to ourselves." Ashton nods. Silence fills the room, it's a little awkward, but nothing I can't handle. "Ok, so I'm not really in the mood to work on that essay."

Ashton turns to me a small frown on his face. "Why didn't you tell me? I don't want to bother you on your Saturday off."

"Because I was hoping-" I sit up properly, pulling my socked feet onto the couch in front of me "-that we could just hangout for a bit. Watch a movie or whatever, then just work on the essay someday after classes."

"That actually sounds like a great idea, Niall."

-a bit later-

Ashton and I sat shoulder to shoulder on the couch, a bowl of popcorn, chips and candy sat in between us. I had turned on my Netflix and we decided on 50/50.

Halfway through the movie, Ashton's arm somehow found its way across my shoulder. It made me a little uncomfortable, but I was too shy to say anything. It's probably just a friendly gesture anyway.

I've seen this movie a few times, but Ashton hasn't, so it was nice to hear/see his reaction to it all. The movie is nearing its end, the snack bowl empty, and my mind starts to drift off to Allie.

I wonder when she's going to come down and visit? I wish I could go down and see her instead, that way I would be able to see Josh too. I know I can't do that though, unfortunately. Where is Allie going to stay? Probably a hotel. She can't stay here at my dorm with Louis, unless she takes the couch. She could take my bed, and I'll sleep on the couch, but I don't think she'd want to share a room with Louis.

How am I going to introduce her to Louis? Are they even going to meet? Of course they are! Allie would want to meet my dorm mate, especially since he's a demon... Will they get along? Louis might be out when she's here, depending how long she's here. I wonder where Louis is right now? What if he's off shagging some girl? He probably is... not that it matters. Why would it?

Louis can do whatever he likes! I don't that he is almost definitely off shagging some girl right now! Haha... I don't care... not at all-

"Niall!" I'm ripped from my thoughts by Ashton poking me. I look to the T.V and see the movie over.

'Uh... Sorry, I spaced out. Did you say something?" I scratch the back of my neck timidly.

"It's ok. You looked deep in thought, and i was asking what you were thinking about." Ashton chuckles, removing his arm from around me so he can sit sideways, facing me.

"Um.... Nothing really... Why didn't you just read my mind if you wanted to know?" I joke, even though I know I'm keeping him out, it's not challenging to do that, well for me anyway.

"I can't get into your head for some reason, remember? I also don't like going into people's minds. Not deep anyway, it's an invasion of privacy. If i read someone's thoughts, it's only simple stuff, unless I need something more." Ashton shrugs.

Most mind readers wouldn't say the same. I've poked into his minds before, and I saw what he were trying to do, nothing too bad. Ashton's a sweet guy, so I shouldn't be too surprised. "That's not what I was expecting."

Ashton opens his mouth to say something, but stops when his phones rings. He excuses himself before stepping into the kitchen and taking the call. He comes back not even 2 minutes later, saying his mate needs him for something. We bid goodbye -planning to work on the essay sometime soon- before he leaves the dorm.

I clean up the mess in the living room section of the dorm, having nothing else to do. I might as well open my wings. I have time, and I'm alone.

I skip to my room where I have a feather comb hidden under my bed. Once my shirt is off and my wings are out, i brush out the father. I make sure to be delicate as wings can sometimes be very sensitive. Once I'm content with my wings, i hope off my bed, my shirt in hand, and I walk into the living room.

I freeze when I hear the door unlock. Time seems to go in slow motion as the door swings open to reveal Louis. He's looking down at his phone as he walks in.

"Hey, Niall?" Louis looks up from his phone when I don't reply, and he stops what he's doing.



So that was the chapter... I know it's shitty, sorry about that... :-/

How is everyone?? Good i hope :-)

Ok, this is random, but I'm craving food from a certain restaurant, but it's expensive there... bahah

Anyway... have a lovely day!!

Keep smiling

-Laylania xxx

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