
499 17 2

Word count:: 1361


Would you like to hear a story?


I have one, just for you.

It's... well... Chaos, to say the least.

It's about an angel, and a demon.

Simple enough, eh?

But dont be deceived. Titles aren't always right.

Angels can't stand Demons, Demons can't stand Angels, let alone be friends with each other.

But.... you'd be surprised what can go down in a University dorm room.

Why Chaos though?

Because Chaos is an Angel who fell in love with a Demon.


Niall's PoV.

I leaned against the car window and glumly watched the outside whip by in a blur.

Too soon, the car pulls to a stop far enough away from my new university campus to ensure we would be out of sight. I slowly turned to face the driver, my sister, Allie.

"Ready?" she asked, sympathy lacing her voice.

"Please don't make me." I whispered.

"Niall don't do this please. You and I both know you need your education." She spoke with a stern yet calming tone. I nod weakly knowing that's not the only reason I need to be here, then exit the car to get my bags from the trunk.

Allie follows me and lifts my bags out of the trunk, placing them on the pavement. I sigh as I look at my new home for the next few years.

"It'll be ok, Niall. You're going to be fine." Allie pulled me into a hug. I held her tight as I buried my head in her neck. She rubbed my back reassuringly. I relaxed slightly, feeling comfort in my sister's embrace. I could feel my eyes start to water when Allie pulled way.  I quickly blinked away the tears though.

"Niall." Allie spoke with remorse as her voice trailed off into a whisper. She cupped my cheek and made me look up at her. "You're going to be just fine. This is safer for you. Mom and Dad would agree with me if they were here."

"Well they're not." I spoke more harshly then I meant to. I mumbled a quiet sorry to my older sister. She shrugged it off, knowing this whole collage thing is stressing me out. High school was hard enough, how the hell am I supposed to make it through university?

"I'll call you, you'll call me, you'll be out of here before you know it. And no skipping your classes!" Alice backed away a bit to close the trunk. When she was successful, she pushed my bags forward. I groaned and skillfully picked them up.

"Just... Stay hidden and safe ok?" I smiled, indicating I would try.

With one last side hug, and one last goodbye, I dragged my bags to the campus.  

I found a line of people, and learned at the front, you got your campus room key, and your schedule. Surprisingly the line ran quickly for the amount of people waiting, and I was at the front within 10 minutes. I found a middle aged lady sitting at a table with an open binder full of writing.

"Name?" she looked up at me a smiled. It only took me a few seconds to figure out what she is. A mermaid. When water touches her legs, she turns.

"uh.. Niall Horan" I hesitated to say my name, scared she might know who am I, but thankfully she didn't, why would  she? The lady flipped through pages until she found my name. She pulled out a paper containing me schedule and a room key.

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