Chapter 22

433 12 5

Words: 1000

Niall's PoV.

I look onward at Louis,Liam and Harry and they looked back. Shook sat on all their faces, but Louis expression was different. His face held confusion and a bit of fear, but most of all, hurt.

Stinging tears ran down my face, as i tried to muffle my sobs with the back of my hand.

I'm in deep shit. There's no way I'm getting out of this one. I can't make them forget. If i mess up again... I won't have enough time to bring them all back, and even if i did, i don't know if I'd be able to.

I stood up shakily, using my wings to help me up. My movements cause the lads to stand too, but they keep their distance. Once I'm up on my feet, i can feel my legs shaking. My vision is clouded, and my head hurts.

I take a small step forward, but almost fall. I use my wing to stop me. I look up at Louis, as i silently cry, but then, things start to spin. I try to make it stop by squeezing my eyes shut, but it makes it worse.

I start to stumble in my spot, and i reach my hands out for nothing. I know I'm about to pass out, but I can't speak, or do anything. I feel myself falling, and i see realization cross through Louis face as he starts to move towards me. Before I can feel myself hit the floor, everything goes black.


I open my eyes slowly to find myself lying on the couch. One of my wings is draped over the back of the couch while the other is resting on the floor. I'm still just in my jogging pants. I sit up, and feel something drop on my lap. I look to see a damp face cloth. I pick it up from where it has left small wet spots on my knees. I know realize, it was on my forehead.

I look out the window and see it's still day time. I start to stand, but someone clearing their throat stops me. I look up and over to where i heard it, and i see Harry. In an instant, Louis and Liam appear behind him. They walk towards me, standing in front of the T.V, keeping a distance yet again.

"I-I.... I should have told you, I know..." I mumble, shuffling my feet on the floor as i move my wings around a bit.

"Yes, you should have." Louis says, starting off harsh, but ending softly.

"I... I guess there are some things you guys should know then..." I look down at my hands, taking a deep breath before I begin to tell my story. This time, I don't lie, i tell the truth. The truth about it all.


I tell them about my family, about Jack and how he died. I tell them about how i was bullied when i went to high school, i tell them my whole life story, all up until they walked inside the dorm.

I don't look at them this whole time, but when I'm done, a heavy silence sits over the room. I finally look at the lads. Liam looks shocked, Harry looks sympathetic, and Louis has no expression at all. I wait for someone else to say something.

"You lied." Louis finally says calmly, "You've been lying to us this whole time."

"I didn't lie. I just... I avoided and altered certain truths and... yeah.. I-I lied." I admit defeated, holding back tears. "But i had to. I was scared, terrified. Hell, I still am!"

The room is quite once again, but i can't stand it. "I'm sorry ok? I did what i thought i had to."

Louis stands up, and makes his way over to me. He stands right in front of me while i look up at him, still sitting to the couch. I flinch away we i see him raise a hand.

"Please don't hit me." I cower away. Instead of feeling his fist hit me, i feel his arms wrap around my, taking me by surprise.

I open my eyes and look at Louis, hesitantly wrapping my arms around him too. He holds me for what seems like hours -but is really only minutes- and i never wanted him to let go.

"Hey, it's ok." Louis says softly, pulling away, softly running his thumb under my eye. It's now that i realize I'm crying. I didn't even notice the sting till now. "I understand Irish. It's ok, you're ok now."

Oh how i wish i was. I start to cry harder, making my breathing choppy. Louis pulls me in for another hug while i sob into his shoulder. He rubs my back in between my wings while i wrap my wings loosely around him.

"Ni, why were you crying earlier when we walked in?" Louis asks softly. This just makes me sob harder. He continues to massage small circles onto my back, calming my down more. I close my eyes, not wanting Louis to let me go.

"They're gone Lou." My words are hoarse and pitchy, making me flinch away at the sound of my own voice.

"Who's gone Ni?" Louis asks, trying to stay calm, but i can hear the concern in his voice.

"Allie, and Josh. Damon killed them. I-I was on the phone with her and-and she screamed and now-now... they're... they're-" I cut myself off with a loud sob.

"Shhh. I... I'm so sorry Niall. You're... you're ok, everything's going to be alright." Louis comforts me, his voice cracks a little, and i ignore Liam and Harry's gasps at the news.

"No, it-it's not." I nuzzle closer to Louis, needing to feel safe. "He-he's coming for me Louis, and he said he's going to kill me."

I can tell Louis looks over at the lads before speaking sternly yet softly, "I'm not going to let that happen to you." 


Please let me know what you think and if there's anything you liked or didn't like about today's chapter.

This chapter is kinda boring tbh. 

Well, this book is coming to an end, soon. I don't really know when, but I doubt I'll have more than 30 chapters in this fic. 

Did you guys see Louis' tweets? He said his album is going to be out soon, but he didn't say a specific date. Hopefully it's sometime before the summer though!! I can't wait to hear more music from my king!!

How is everyone, good I hope?

Remember, my messages are always open to anyone that wants to drop by and say hi, or just talk about anything and everything. 

Have a lovely day

Keep smiling sunshine!!

-Laylania xxx

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