Chapter 9

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Quick Question before the chapter!: Do you guys know if Niall is dating Hailee Steinfeild (idk how to spell it..) Because I keep seeing things saying they are, while other things say people think they are but i can't find a, exact answer... 

Words: 1385 

Niall's PoV.

I stared directly into Louis' eyes that for some reason, seem unfazed by this. It's almost as if he's waiting for something to happen-

"Irish?" Louis calls out, closing the door, and walking further into the dorm, looking around a bit. "You here?"


"Ni?" Louis calls out, this time a little louder. He shrugs and saunters into the kitchen. What is going on??

Once I see Louis is out of sight from where I stand, i tiptoe to the bathroom. Why couldn't he see me-

Holy shit balls!

I stared in the mirror in disbelief. I saw... nothing. I-I turned invisible! In the blink of an eye, I saw myself once again. How did I do that? I've never been able to before. I stood there for a good 2 minutes trying to go invisible again, but it didn't work. I don't know how I did it, let alone made my clothes, and what i was holding, be unseen too. I guess it was just a reflex? Damn. I wish I could do it again.

I could hear Louis moving around outside the bathroom, so I slipped on my shirt, and snuck to the door. I opened the door, and closed it just as Louis walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, a chocolate bar in hand.

Louis looked up when he heard the door close, sending me a friendly smile. "Irish, you're back! I was wondering when you'd be here."

"How long have you been back?" I ask, playing it off as if I had no idea, all though I'm still a little tense.

"Not too long ago. I texted you that I was heading back.. Did you not see it?" Louis asks as he sits down on the couch. I shake my head and pull my phone out. When i turn it on, I see the text from Louis.

Louis: I'm heading home now.

I chuckle when i read it. "Home?"

"What?" Louis frowns lightly as he takes a bite of the chocolate. "This is kinda like our home now, isn't it? Like our own little apartment that we share?"

I laugh at Louis' words. I guess he's right. I sit next to Louis on the couch, watching as he picks up the remote and turns on the T.V. We're met with the options screen on Netflix of 50/50.

"You watched 50/50?" Louis chuckles as he goes back and sees if there's anything he'd want to watch.

"Yea, I had someone over." Louis turns to me, a mischievous smirk on his face. "What?"

"Did you two fuck?"

"Louis!" I gasp and hit his arm lightly, confused for a second, then i remember i never mentioned they were a guy... or that I'm gay,  "No! We just watched a movie!"

Louis laughs and turns his head back to the T.V.

"Ok well... How was your night out?" I ask, trying to spark conversation.

"It was ok." Louis sighs as he finished the chocolate bar, getting up to throw away the wrapper. "I went to a club with my mates, you should meet them sometime. Anyway, we went to a club."

Louis pauses as he walks back -once again taking his place next to me on the couch- before continuing with telling me about his night. "I found a nice looking girl, she wasn't the best, but she was ok."

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