Two Sides

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Two sides.
Always two sides fighting,
Not the angel and the devil,
But the head and the heart.
My heart wants to open up,
Wants friends,
Wants attention,
Wants credit,
Wants to be noticed.
But my brain wants protection.
Protection from all the work put into that,
Protection from the possibility that in doing so, you could set up your own demise,
Protection from my own desires.
So my heart,
It ends up being pushed in a corner,
While my brain is hiding me from humanity.
But, after all that,
My brain gets exhausted,
And my heart comes back in the light.
And I try again.
I open up,
I make friends,
I enjoy life!
That is until,
My brain pushes the heart away,
Protecting me once more,
But also destroying the relationships that were in the making of something marvelous!
This process seems to go in a circle,
Until one day,
I hope,
The Heart will finally win!

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