Chapter 19

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Sabine exhaled and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her hair. The grueling work was really beginning to take a toll on her. Over the past few weeks, she had dangerously lost weight, and her ribs were clearly showing through her prison rags. The dark circles under her eyes told anyone that she wasn't getting the rest she needed. She felt herself losing energy, day by day, until life just went by in a blur. 

Mindlessly working the machines, she was lost in her thoughts. Her hair was growing messy and out of place, and in need of a new dye. She couldn't decide which color she wanted to dye it next.  She liked the color blue, but she had done that one when she was younger. No way was she repeating.  Yellow was too tacky, pink was too feminine and bright red was too aggressive. Mixing the right dyes, she could probably create the perfect color. She simply couldn't decide!  As she pondered over her minor dilemna, she ignored the real world. It was what kept her going, her sense of false hope and petty thoughts

"Stand back." Cece ordered her, while putting on her safety goggles. Sabine did as she was told and watched as her fellow prisoner fumbled with some sort of controller.  "I think it's good." The girl announced after a moment of silence. "I mean, it should  function properly."

A sense of unexplainable  pride filled Sabine but she quickly pushed it away. They had spent weeks, maybe even a month working on assembling the weapon they were so clueless about. But that meant the absolute worst. That the imperials would start testing the weapon.  Her satisfaction was gone, replaced with dread. Sabine felt a lump in her throat form, recounting what CeCe had said about their inventions. 

"I don't know. We never know until they test it. They test it on innocent men and women."

Okay quick note. I am so cringing at my past writing right now. Gosh I stunk! My critical eye is annoying me >:( . 

Does anyone else feel like that? i mean, I read a beautiful, grammatically correct, and well developed  fanfic, and then I take a look at mine. And I tell myself, "Bleh, gross writing, my dude!" (yes i do speak like that. Theres a reason i write stuff down instead of talking.) Anyhow, back to the story!


Somehow, the imperials almost immediately knew that their invention was finished.  Sabine suspected that they had probably been keeping tabs on them since the beginning. The cell door swooshed open to reveal an imperial agent, a woman this time. Two troopers stood by her side. She looked down with disdain at the two  prisoners before her. "Prisoner number 66 and 80!" She barked, impatiently drumming her fingers against the datapad she was holding.  "Get up now, and follow. I don't have any time to waste with you scum."

Sabine gritted her teeth and did as the woman commanded, with CeCe right behind her. She hated being referred to as a number. She hated being stuck in this godforsaken cell, with pretty much everyone she cared about thinking she was dead. She hated life itself. The times where it was happy were but a memory to her, beginning to fade away. 

For the first time in what was probably a month, she saw sunlight peaking out from the windows above. It was almost blinding to see it after so long, but she took it all in with joy. She would most likely not see it again. Restraints had been forced onto her wrists and she could barely walk without limping. "If I just run..." She pondered in her head but quickly decided against it. It was surely a death wish. Sabine didn't care if SHE died, but she knew that if she resisted, CeCe would suffer for it as well. Over the past weeks, she had become relatively close to the young girl. Well, that was what happened after you spend a long time in isolation with one person. 

The agent made a sharp left turn, and gestured for the two to follow them. At first, the mandalorian slowly came, but an aggressive nudge of a blaster from the bucket head behind her.  sped her up. She turned to CeCe, who seemed accustomed to this kind of treatment. Anger bubbled inside her. How could someone treat an ANIMAL like this, much less an actual person??? 

"Move!" The trooper behind her ordered, when he noticed that she had slowed down once again. "Or else I REALLY shoot this time." The man threatened. 

"Yes sir," Sabine muttered, staring down at the ground. She felt so.... inferior to everyone around her. She no longer had control of her own life. 

After a few more twists and turns around the base, (Sabine tried to envision a map in her head for future reference) they finally entered what seemed to be a lab. There were huge glass windows that looked into a gigantic space. In the middle of the gigantic space, was the machine they had spent so many hours working on. It appeared that they had come to the test observing room. Under her breath, she prayed that what she thought was going to happen didn't.

Her prayers were in vain though, and her heart sank as two young men were lead into the room in front of her by stormtroopers. The pair was smiling, and even joking with one another. They seemed so oblivious to what was going to happen next. They  didn't even know that they were going to die.  

The agent shoved the controller into Sabine's hand. "Press it." She ordered, glaring at the captive. Sabine stared at the device, frozen with fear and guilt. If she did as she was told, the men would die. If she didn't, she and CeCe would suffer. She had killed people before, sure, mostly bucketheads and ones who deserved it. That was war. But murdering innocents? Never. These men  had families, brothers, sisters, parents, and maybe even girlfriends. 

"i-I can't." She stuttered, dropping the controller. That was a mistake. It fell to the ground and the button was hit, starting the machine. Sabine watched in horror as the weapon they had created rumbled on. The men looked around in confusion, but those looks were soon replaced with pure terror as they registered what was happening. They tried to run, but with a boom, the machine let out an energy source. She would never forget the moment when the energy swallowed them, disintegrating the two men before her eyes. 

The imperial agent huffed, typing some things on her data pad. "Not as wide scale as we hoped. And you, prisoner 80 was hesitant " She sneered, with a tone of joy when she said. "I guess that means both of your rations will be cut in half."

Sabine payed no attention to the woman. The look on those men's faces would haunt her forever. She would rather die than see something like that unfold again. As they were marched back to the cell, the rebel decided on one thing: If she was going to die, let it be escaping from the place that was worse than hell...

Meh. Okay chapter.  Will publish author note tomorrow early. God, Its 10:47. Gotta go to bed. Sry for lack of updates. And also sry if I sound half asleep while writing this, cuz I am

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