Chapter 7

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Sabine stared out at the ruined plains of Mandalore, nothing really on her mind. She had arrived a few days ago to her home planet, and as expected, she didn't get the warmest welcome from her family. Her mother shunned her to the side, not even bothering to make conversation unless it was about military tactics. Her father seemed distant, and didn't seem to want to talk to her about anything for some strange reason.  Well, what was she to expect in the times of war and  chaos ravaging her planet?

She missed the genuine warmth and love of the Ghost Crew. She missed Hera's hugs, Zeb and Chopper's bickering, and Kanan's words of Jedi Wisdom. But most of all she missed Ezra. As they say, you don't fully appreciate the truly wonderful things in life till they're gone. 

The young warrior smiled sadly, as she thought of her beloved. She hoped that they remembered to replace the flowers by his bedside, or to at least visit him. She couldn't stand the thought of him, being all alone in some strange hospital bed with no one but some medics and droids to take care of him. 

"Sabine?" A voice from behind her called out gently. Startled, the girl leaped up to her feet and was greeted by the sight of her brother, Tristan. He was rubbing his eyes, obvious that he had just woken up. "How long have you been out here? It's not even full light yet. Mother said that everyone needs to get as much sleep in as possible, so we can all preform our best on the battlefield." He scolded her, not unlike old times.

Sabine rolled her eyes in annoyance. The sun that their planet orbited around was only beginning to rise. "I'm plenty rested." She retorted, glaring at her protective older brother. "So what if I can't get enough sleep to satisfy you?"

Tristan stared thoughtfully at his baby sister, before crouching down to sit besides her. "Something's up." He plainly stated. "Bean, I've known you long enough to know when you have something serious on your mind. What is it? Are you missing the rebellion?" He correctly assumed. 

The teen looked away from him, staring at the sunrise in front of them. "Yes. That's part of it." She admitted, fingering the darksaber that was loosely hung on her belt. "Tris, have you ever been in.... you know, Love?"

Tristan raised his eyebrows, though not in surprise. "Love?" He repeated. "No. Not really. Why, is this about that young Jedi? Ezra's his name, right?"

Sabine's eyes widened. "How did you know that????" She sputtered in surprise. "What secret spies do you have in the Rebellion?"

He raised his hands in defense. "None whatsoever, sis. I just knew it from the way you two interacted. It was pretty obvious that he really did have total affection for you." The young man explained. 

The girl blew hair from her face, frustrated. Was she really the only one who didn't know that Ezra liked her??? She was so incredibly stupid to not have noticed! 

"Why, are you two a couple?" Tristan wanted to know, curious about his sister's love life.

Sabine gave out a shallow laugh. "It's much more complicated than that..." She smiled sadly, her mind far far away. "Basically, let me summarize everything real quick for you. He got captured by the enemy because of ME, I realized I had feelings for him, he got extremely tortured, and now he's been in a coma for MONTHS, and it's all my fault." 

Tristan consumed this information and wrapped his arm around the younger girl. "Wow, that is complicated. I'm so sorry that he's in a coma. But I'm sure that it wasn't your fault." He assured her.

Sabine shrugged her brother's hands off her shoulders. "That's what everyone says.." She said mournfully.

The young man was about to argue with his sister on that point, when in the distance, they heard something.


TAKE ME AWAY IN HANDCUFFS!!!!!!!!! I HAVE SINNED!!!!!!! I am sooooooooo sorry that this is the second time (SECOND TIME) that i have gone a day without an update.

I have been swarmed with homework and since its championship season for swimming, practices are EXHAUSTING.

Hows your life?


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