Chapter Thirteen

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Jace turned to face me. It was then that I realised that we sat inches apart.

"Why didn't you do yours first?" Jace asked, keeping his voice low, which was hidden underneath the rev of the engine.

I thought about this for a second, frowning. I shook my head. "I don't know." I said, watching him peer at me. I shrugged, giving up on trying to explain what had happened.

The next part of our plan was simple. Jonah, or rather, Sapphire and Jonah, collect us using their completely unrecognisable car—note the sarcasm; it's a big car—and drop us off at some sort of motel, or hotel. Or dark tunnel where we can live out the rest of our homeless days.

Hopefully it doesn't come to that.

The journey was long, and usually the time went pretty slow for me, except, I think I fell asleep.

I awoke abruptly. I sat upright straight away, ignoring the fact that I was being strangled by some bar. But it wasn't a bar. It was my seatbelt.

Dazed, I rubbed at my eyes until I realised that I was still in the car.

"Who let me fall asleep?" I asked, coming to terms with what had happened. I fell asleep on a mission, with two Special Ones and one slightly less skilful person in the car—unprotected; more like unprofessional.

"I think we all did at some point." Jameson responded quietly, and I shifted to see that Sky was asleep. Surprisingly, Elle had also dozed off.

Jameson must've seen me looking. "When I woke up, I told her to sleep; you were asleep for the longest." I scrunched up my nose but didn't comment.

Jameson was angled sideways, his body facing Sky, whose head lain on his shoulder. Elle also slept with her body collapsing to the right. But there was nothing for her to collapse against. Sky was pretty much in Jameson's seat. I just found it interesting how the two both leaned towards a body—Elle could've easily leaned to her left and rested her head against the window.

"Do you know how far we are?" I asked no one in particular. Jameson sat up and leaned around Jonah's chair, who told him the answer. I saw Sapphire flinch in her sleep, and Jonah quickly glance at her in response.

I withdrew my eyes, focusing on Jameson as he turned to me. "About half an hour." He told me.

"Thank god; my bladder is about to become separate from my body." Jameson frowned, but I saw a hint of amusement in his eyes before he shook his head and slipped down his seat, turning around and cradling Sky once more. I really ship them, goddamnit.

I leaned back, turning to my left to see Jace–awake.

Shocked, I jolted slightly. "I thought you were asleep." I said as his face contorted with confusion after my surprise.

He smiled. "No, thought I'd stay awake and keep the fort up." I frowned.

I heard a grunt come from Jameson, but I chose to ignore it.

Looking at the bags under Jace's eyes, I said, "maybe you should've slept."

He turned away from me. "I feel fine." I furrowed my eyebrows but took my attention off him nonetheless.

I spent the last thirty minutes of the journey actually doing some mental planning, which is really what I should've been doing the entire time.

As the rest of the car started to wake up, Jameson and I began to share ideas and plans. By the time Elle joined in, we started to map everything out by the minute. Yes, we were thorough; we had to be. One mistake could be one life, and we didn't have any lives we wanted to spare.

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