Chapter Thirty

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T h e   H o l l o w s   I n
O U R  F R E E D O M

Tears welled up in Sky's eyes. "When were you going to tell me?" She asked, getting over her shock moments later.

I had frozen out of guilt and surprise. How did we let it slip so easily?

Jace was stunned to silence, so I decided to step forward. "We were waiting for Elle to do it."

Tears streaming from her eyes, she spat, "that's a bad excuse."

I didn't know what to tell her, so I remained silent. I was surprised that Jace wasn't using his therapist ways to calm her down—she was, after all, his client.

"Who knew?" She asked. I swallowed. "Who knew, Alexi?" She asked again, growing angry with me.

"Me," I glanced over at Jace, "and Jace." Sky watched me, eyes digging holes in my chest.

"I know there's more, Lexi."

My heart stopped. She wouldn't make me do it. I can't break her heart like this.

"Elle." Sky rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. The tears never stopped, I think she knew what was coming.

Closing my eyes to stop the regret from blinding me, I said, "Jameson."

I heard her catch her breath, and opened my eyes to see her trembling. I stepped forward to help her, to do something, but she retreated, leaving and slamming the bathroom door behind her.

Frozen in our spots, neither Jace nor I knew what to do.

"We should give her space." I whispered, turning around to wipe frantically at my damp eyes.

"How?" He asked.

"Well I'm going for a shower. You can join if you want."

Unfortunately, Jace didn't. He instead sat on the side, waiting for me to finish. When I had done, I appeared in front of him wrapped in a towel.

"I didn't look." Jace assured me as he handed me another towel. I think he knew by now that I liked to twist the hell out of my hair then throw it up into some turban.

He watched as I tried different methods of drying my near black hair naturally. "I don't want to go in there." He said. I stared at him, feeling the exact same way that he did.

But I sucked it up. "Come on." With that, I span around and opened the bathroom door. I gave Jace one last encouraging smile before entering the room, seeing Sky wrapped up in duvets and covers. I hope she hasn't taken them all.

She must've heard us come in, because soon she said, "you guys deserve each other—in hell." I wasn't sure if she actually knew I liked him; maybe she was just angry and saying whatever she thought would hurt the most. It didn't really hurt, though, since I already knew I was going to hell.

We both ignored her, and I beelined straight for the suitcases, pulling out my pyjamas.

"Can you get mine, please?" He asked quietly, "I want to shower too." I smiled up at him before nodding.

I presented him with joggers and a tank top, raising my eyebrow. I think in that moment, he would've took whatever he could to get away from this situation.

Once he left, I scoured for my pyjamas, pulling them out and quickly changing. No one could really see me anyway—especially since Sky had already drawn the blinds, and she was now submerged in her bed.

The Hollows In Our Freedom | 'Hollows' Book ⅢOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora