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                                                                                                   Rook's pov
Meg showed me the cuts. I don't know how people could do that to themselves. But there is probably a reason. We were on here bed she was still asleep. She looked so cute. She was just lying there on my chest. (Rook is the hottest one out of the entire team.) Kells come in and woke us up, he threw cold water on us. Meg got up and chased him down stairs. They went outside. Kells picked her up and threw her in the pool.  She didn't seem to mind it. He jumped in after.
"Rook come in." Meg called me.
I didn't realize that kells was behind me and push me in.
"Really k." I was so annoyed. I pulled my phone out of my pocket.
(If you didn't know people call kells k sometimes)
"Oh fuck, you have your phone, shit sorry man." Kells Said
"It's cool, thanks for pushing me in again." Meg's mom grabbed my phone.
"I'll put in rice." Meg's Mom walked inside.
Kells come up and push me closer to meg. She was trying to take off her pjs. When she realized I was behind her. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her back in the pool. I took of my shirt. We were in the pool for hours. Meg got out and threw me a water gun. She started to spray Kells. I joined her. Kells  found one. He fired back at us. Meg got out and went upstairs.
"So Rook."
"Yes k."
"How are things with meg."
"We just started dating.'
"Yah and."
"Kells just leave it alone."
"Fine." I get out and went upstairs. I changed knowing that we were leaving today and Meg is coming with us. Meg came upstairs and got changed. I walked in her room and hugged her from behind and kissed her neck. She turned around and faced me. She was smiling I kissed her and we fall back on her bed. I was on top of her. She was smiling through the kiss. I heard the door opened Meg pulled away. Her mom was standing at the door she looked mad. We got up and Meg started to say something. But her mom stopped her.
"What were you two doing."
"Mom we were just making out." Meg said worried
"Why was he on top of you."
"Because we fell."
"Ok Meg. You better not be lying."
"Mom I'm not."
Her mom left. Meg looked at me. She looked some what mad.
"Meg look I'm sorry didn't mean for your mom to see that."
"Rook it's fine."
I kissed her again and she kissed back. I love the feeling of kissing her. I hugged her and Kells walked in.'
"Nice job rook. Get her in trouble."
"I didn't mean to. We fell." Kells left
"So Meg."
"Yes Rookie." I walked up to her and stare in to her eyes.  Her eyes were so blue. She was so beautiful. She got a text. Meg lied on her bed. Someone was texting her. It was making her upset i lied next to her and read the text. People were texting her mean things. I took her phone and made her look at me.
"Meg why did you tell me."
"Because it doesn't matter." She looked so sad
"Yah it does blocked them.'' I took her phone and blocked the number that where giving her a hard time.
"Look meg you will never see them again." She smiled and put her head on my chest
"Meg I'm not going to let anyone hurt you."
Kells walked in and said we got to get going. We got up and we grabbed our bags and left her room. Megs mom was waiting for us. We got in the car and drove to the airport. When we got to the airport. Meg said good bye to her mom. She checked in her bag and got our tickets. As we were about to get on the plane a bunch of girls came up to us and gave meg a death glares and sat next to her. Kells look at the girls was confused. Meg texted us she will tell us later. She knows those girls and looked really scared to be next to them. We got on the plane and Meg sat next to the window. I was next to her and Kells was on the other side of me. Meg passed out before we took off.
"Yo rook do you know what that was about."
"No idea but i did blocked some people on her phone because they were bullying her."
"Maybe that was them, don't let her unblock them."
"Yah i wont."
""Good. Did you read them."
"Yah they were not something you should read."
"Why she is my sister."
"Yah But Kells you are known to lose your cool and flip shit on people."
"Yah true not a good idea when they are on the plane."
I looked over to Meg and realized they are probably the reason she cuts. This is going to be hard to make sure she doesn't hurt her self. I hate People who thinks its ok to bully someone.

Hey guys hope you enjoy the chapter
And thanks for the 1k view it's amazing
Love you.

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