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I am sorry to say, fellow readers, that after this, there will be only 3 more chapters until the end of "For the Future, I Wish to Change the Past". It has really been a great story to write and I honestly love reading all your comments and hearing your reactions to the unintentional comedy bits. 

I hope you enjoy the next 3 chapters of this story before it ends.

"So, who is this mysterious person that Yagura met up with?" Naruto asked curiously as he jumped from tree bough to tree bough.

Utakata stared ahead. ". . . An old friend of ours."

"Of "ours"?" Naruto asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "Do I detect. . . an old childhood romance?"

Utakata smirked. "I think Mei's always had a thing for Yagura."

Naruto choked and nearly fell off his branch. "Mei?! As in Mei Terumi, the Fifth Mizukage?!"

"You know her?"

"Know her? I should hope so, she's the future Fifth Mizukage, Utakata!"

Utakata sweatdropped. "Well excuse me if I don't remember anything from the future, Mr Uzuchiha."

"You are excused," Naruto said simply. "Anyway. . . YAGURA AND MEI?! REALLY?!"

"Yes, Yagura and Mei, and yes, really."

"Wait till Ke hears about this!" the blonde jinchuuriki cackled. "Mei won't ever hear the end of this from us! Oh wait, she doesn't have her future memories. . . dammit!"

"Okay calm down, you little drama baby," Utakata rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, Bubbly Sourpuss."


"Save it, consider this as payback. Anyway, three questions. How did they meet, does Yagura also have a thing for Mei, and how did you find out?"

Utakata pursed his lips. "Not "find out" exactly. . . more like eavesdropped."

Naruto sweatdropped. "I never took you to be the eavesdropping type, Utakata."

"Believe me, I think you're the one rubbing off on me. Anyway, after I got back from quick shower since Yagura spat coffee all over me, I went to the office to make sure Yagura wasn't throwing his paperwork out the window - yes that's happened before and that's why I have to supervise him - and I heard voices."

Naruto looked intrigued. "I'm listening."

{Flashback no jutsu! }

"Stupid, dense, idiotic brat," Yagura muttered under his breath, glaring at the brown-stained papers in front of him. "He made me get the paperwork all wet and frustrated me so much I wanted to kill him."

A knock on the door made him glance up in slight annoyance. "Who is it?"

"It's me."

Yagura's eyes widened, standing up so abruptly his chair toppled over. He hadn't heard that voice in months. Or was it years? 

His train of thought was cut off when the door hesitantly creaked open and a fairly tall, redheaded woman shyly stepped in.

"Mei. . ."

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