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The sky started clearing away to cloudless blue, the sun shining mercilessly on a trio who was lazying about in a training field.

Well, to a normal observer they would be.

Sakura was kicking wooden poles harshly, aiming to improve her chakra control so she could punch and kick just as well as she used to back in their time.

Naruto had summoned at least 50 shadow clones and had them work on making a Rasengan without the help of another shadow clone. He was meditating so he could talk to Kurama and train with his tenant in his mindscape.

Sasuke had just come back from getting breakfast for the three of them since none of them ate decently, what with all the early morning drama. He didn't want to disrupt them so he started on his own chakra control of walking up a tree. Even if he did know how to do it, it still took him a good hour to master it which was really frustrating.

"Wait, why are we practicing chakra control now?" Sasuke suddenly asked. "Why not earlier?"

Sakura took a break from kicking the "darn stubborn pole" and swiped a sandwich from the tray. "Well, with all the hullabaloo, I guess we kinda prioritized training our body to be in shape and forgot to train our chakra."

"But chakra is equally important. . ."

Sakura sighed and was about to reply when Naruto gave a shriek.

"Ow!" the Uchiha fell down the tree and landed on his head as Sakura ran over to the screaming blonde.

"Sh-t Naruto, what happened?!" Sakura shook the still-meditating boy. "Hey, Naruto open your eyes!"

Naruto's eyes snapped open as he gave a heaving gasp. "Got. . . to get. . . to Amegakure. . . now!"

"Slow down Naruto and tell us what happened!" Sasuke ordered.

Naruto inhaled and exhaled deeply. "Akatsuki. Yahiko, Konan and Nagato. Kurama just showed me an image of what is going to happen later in the week."

"Jiraiya would've left them around two to three weeks ago, right?" Sakura frowned before realization dawned on her. "So Hanzō would be forcing Nagato to make the choice soon!"

"Exactly," Naruto nodded with a grim look in his eyes. 

"While we're doing that, why don't we offer them places as Konoha shinobi?" Sasuke suggested. "Maybe they would agree to that."

"On the highly unlikely chance they would agree to that, we could reveal who I am, an Uzumaki, and then let them go on as the Akatsuki. You know, before Yahiko died. And when Hanzō strikes, we wait until the right moment and prevent Yahiko's death!" Naruto grinned.

Sasuke and Sakura exchanged looks before shrugging. "Yeah that could work."

"Oh but Naruto," Sakura gave him a deathly glare. "No jumping in front of Yahiko like you jumped in front of Rin, got that?"

Naruto rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Eh. . ."

"Well there goes that plan," Sasuke retorted sarcastically in Naruto's mind, making the blonde glare at him.

"Promise me, Naruto!" Sakura demanded, slightly shaking him.

"Alright, alright! I promise I'll try not to do anything life-threatening," Naruto said in surrender. "I can't make a full promise, you know how impulsive I am. But I will try to not get myself killed."

For the Future, I Wish to Change the Pastحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن