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"What do you mean, they're still out there?" Sasuke demanded quietly.

"The Akatsuki."

Sasuke cursed. "The Akatsuki, we were just talking about them! How could we forget?"

"And that's not all. Orochimaru is still alive."

Sasuke turned wide, onyx eyes on him. "W-What do you mean? We killed him! He's dead! Dad made sure of it!"

"No, Sasuke," Naruto shook his head. "We forgot about one very important factor that helps Orochimaru in his "immortality"."

"The Curse Mark," the two boys whispered at the same time.

"Kami, we forgot about Anko," Sasuke buried his face in his hands. "What do we do?"

Naruto sat as still as stone. "We take off Anko's curse mark, and check Orochimaru's body. See if it's still in the cell."

"Right, well it's 4:30 am right now. I can't stand just lying here, let's go get Kura!" Sasuke threw off his blanket and strode quickly to his wardrobe.

Naruto stared at his back.

"What?" the Uchiha turned sharply to look at the blonde.

"If we just randomly show up at Anko's apartment, all three of us, and demand to see her curse mark, wouldn't that seem a bit stalker-ish?"

"Look Naruto, I really don't care right now. Orochimaru could be on the loose!"

"Calm down, Ke," Naruto said forcefully, going over and gripping Sasuke's shoulders. "We wait until it's 6:00 -"

He was cut off by a snort of dissatisfaction.

"Fine. 5:30. No? Alright then, 5:00. Don't give me that look, I am not making it any earlier. We wait until then, get dressed, grab a quick breakfast, telepathically communicate with Kura and then we all meet up at the Hokage Tower. We will tell them that due to the Invasion we forgot to tell them that I know how to remove the Curse Seal, and that means eliminating any sign of Orochimaru coming back." Naruto never blinked at he stared at Sasuke's emotionless onyx eyes.

". . . alright. Fine. We'll do this, and allow me to tell you that I'm only doing this because I trust your judgement," Sasuke said in a hard tone, almost reverting back to his past self.

Naruto slapped his shoulder lightly. "Quit being all emo, Uchiha."

Sasuke grunted before grabbing some clothes. "I'll see you in half an hour, I need a shower."

"You're showering for half an hour?" Naruto said disbelievingly. "No, I need a shower too. I'll give you fifteen minutes before you're getting out of there. Are we clear?"

Sasuke smirked slightly. "Yes Hokage-sama."

Naruto growled softly. "What have I told you about using that title?"

"To not use it, Hokage-sama."

"Why you!" Naruto shook his fist as he mockingly seethed.

Sasuke let out a laugh before he closed the bathroom door, leaving a smiling blonde behind him.

"Whatever am I going to do with him?" Naruto mumbled to himself, smiling as he threw himself back on the bed, hands folded behind his head as he stared at the ceiling.

Should he try to fall asleep? No, with all this sudden activity, it would be useless to try sleeping. Five-year-old or not, he still had the mind of an adult, and that meant his priorities had to be set straight and confirmed, as well as making sure threats to his precious people were completely annihilated.

For the Future, I Wish to Change the PastWhere stories live. Discover now