Bonus chapter: RosiexKyle.

Beginne am Anfang

I scowled at them, crossing my arms as Dalia stood behind me, blocking the way towards my house while Lily stood smirking as she opened the back seat door for me.

"Let me change." I grumbled looking down at my clothes. I was in a simple red t-shirt and sweatpants. My feet bare.

"Nice try." Dalia scoffed shaking her head at me.

"Let me at least wear my shoes." I snapped irritated with them.

"I got one of your shoes in the car. Wear that." Lily said before shoving me gently in the backseat of the car.

It was only on our way to wherever they were driving me to that I found out, Lily lied. She had no shoe in her car, she had the brand new fluffy slippers which I had left behind in her car during one of our shopping spree. Though I was happy getting it back, I wasn't exactly happy I had to wear it in public.


"Oh cheer up." Lily chuckled looking at my sulking form.

I was missing my bed and stuff toys who might be feeling lonely without me.

"We even got you pizza, french fries and a smoothie." Dalia chirped which earned her a glare from me.

"And there are hot guys a couple of tables away from ours. Don't look obvious." Dalia winked at me making me give her a bored look. She laughed at my reaction while Lily grinned widely. "Are they hot?" Lily whispered at Dalia, not turning around. Dalia nodded her head vigorously.

I didn't bother to look in the direction Dalia had said the hot boys were as I stuffed my mouth with food.

Without my wish, I was brought here so why not make the best use of it by eating all of the food. Theirs too. With my mind set, I started chucking down the food.

Dalia cursed under her breath making Lily ask her what was wrong.

"Mr. Hot pants no. 1 is making his way here." Dalia whispered giving us both a this is your chance look which I ignored drinking the smoothie.

I rolled my eyes wiping my mouth at what Dalia said. The guy was probably making his way towards our table to talk with either her or Lily.

I felt a presence beside me making me roll my eyes. I knew he had got his eyes on Lily. She was gorgeous and blonde but not dumb.

"Excuse me." I heard his deep voice say to Lily and I ignored it as I focused on my fries.

I felt a kick on my shin which made me yelp. With a fry half hanging from my mouth, I glared at a wide eyed Lily whose eyes motioned me towards the guy standing between us.

I finally looked away from her and up at the guy who was looking down at me with an amused smile on his face.

"Wha." The word didn't sound right and I realised I had a fry half sticking out of my mouth which I stupidly, without thinking might I add, shoved in my mouth munching on it quickly before swallowing it.

Why didn't I act a little ladylike?

Right, this gorgeous man staring down at me had my brain hay wiring.

"Hey." He said, his voice soft and smooth like chocolate. His eyes matching his tone, sexy and totally an eye candy material.

I felt another kick on my shin which made me glare at a wide eyed blonde. "H-hey." I shuttered glancing back at him, suddenly nervously.

His smile widened when I acknowledged him, making him look all the more sexy. "Do I know you?" His question had me blinking rapidly in confusion.

His Roommate | #2 ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt