"You dance wonderfully madam." Viscount Lionel Mclaney smiled as we stepped off the dance floor. I kept an eye out for Eric but didn't see him yet.

"Thank you sir. If you'll excuse me." Viscount Mclaney bowed his head and I walked around trying to find Eric. Above everyone else's bobbing heads I saw one that stood above the rest. I walked in the direction of the rather tall man and found Eric by the food table eating a biscuit. He grinned and waved once his golden brown eyes landed on my approaching white and gold dressed figure.

"Better not eat all the food before we even have a chance to proceed with our stunt." I giggled as Eric handed me a biscuit.

"Yes but your cooks do make fine biscuits." Eric smirked as I took a bite of the biscuit in my hand. The crunchy biscuit filled my mouth with flavours of chocolate shortbread, I released a quiet moan and Eric laughed at my reaction.
"Lets get started shall we?"

"Mmh." I hummed nodding as my mouth was still fill. I kept watch on the guests who were too busy dancing and talking among themselves to notice what was going on behind them. I waved off a few working servants who had begun approaching the table to fill up their food and drink trays. They bowed and left obviously confused. Glancing back at Eric I saw him standing behind the large three story white cake pouring the gun powder along the bottom of the cake plate. I smirked and turned back to the guests enjoying themselves.

"Plan cake bom is in action, now we just wait for the candles to be lit." Eric grinned standing beside me reaching out for another biscuit.

"You'll turn into a biscuit if you keep eating them." I muttered glaring my eyes playfully at Eric who just smirked and bit into the biscuit.
We both turned to the little desserts and from my hidden pocket tucked away in my dress I pulled out a brown bag, full of beatles. I wasn't sure if all of them were dead yet.
"Want to help or are you going to just keep eating our plan away?" I looked up at Eric as he'd shoved another biscuit into his mouth.

"I can multitask princess." Eric chuckled holding his hand out, his palm facing the roof for me to pour the beatles out onto his hand.
I shook my head at Eric but poured some beatles onto his hand anyway. I picked the rest out from the bag and we placed them all over the soft toppings of the desserts. Since everything included a beatle or two, half hidden away in the toppings to hide the legs, the desserts looked as if they were meant to be like that.

"Isabell, Eric." I heard that all too familiar voice, of my mother. Quickly glancing at Eric I held in a laugh as he ate the rest of yet another chocolate shortbread biscuit.

"Mother, Happy Birthday." I curtseyed and Eric Bowed his head. "Your majesty." Eric greeted my mother, the queen of our kingdom.

"Thank you. Are you both enjoying yourselves? I see Eric has eaten all of the biscuits already." Mother glanced down at the food table, eyeing it off. I saw she was wearing an off the shoulder blue ball gown with loose sleeves hanging to her hips, embroidered with a gold strip along the hem. Embellished with a gold fleece sown over white cloth in the shape of a 'V' ran down her chest, widening out down to the bottom of her dress. Along the edges of the white and gold patterns gold embroidery outlined the blue edging of the dress down her torso in triangles. The gold embroidery continued in a forearms width around the hem of my mothers gown. White silky gloves covered her hands and arms, stopping at her elbows. My mothers brown hair was tied back using pins under a silver, blue crystal crown with a white lace veil trailing down to her back lower back.

"They are too delicious madam." Eric smiled glancing down at me with a wink.

"Yes, we have danced too. I also danced with Viscount Mclaney, has father spoken with him?" I answered keeping my poise as I noticed a few guests turn to look at their Queen and Princess.

Royal From Birth ((COMPLETED))Where stories live. Discover now