"This is my father!"

Alycia lagughed out loud, earning a questioning look from Phoebe. "What, you were serious?"

"Pheebs, that's the guy that comes with the frame", Chandler adds.

"No, it isn't. Look, I'll show you".

"I thought your dad was in prison".

"No, that's my stepdad. My real dad is the one that ran out on us before I was born", she explained to Rachel as she searched for something on her purse.

"How have you never been on Oprah?", Rachel asked in disbelief.

"Okay, look. This is him!", Phoebe opened her wallet, revealing the picture from that same guy. "My mother gave me this picture before she died".

"Honey, this is a picture of the frame guy posing in front of a bright blue screen with a collie", Monica replied.

"It's not a blue screen...maybe it was just very clear that day". Phoebe takes a closer look to the picture before putting her wallet back in her purse. "I have to talk to my grandmother", she quickly said before walking over the door to exit the shop.


"Phoebe got here with the cab yet?", Joey asked as he's walking over to where Chandler and Alycia were waiting.

"Yeah, she brought the invisible cab. Hop in!", Chandler replied with sarcasm.

"She better get here soon. The stores close at seven".

"How about we focus on providing moral support for our friend first, huh?", Alycia said. "It's your fault you didn't buy your gifts sooner".

"We're gonna make it", Chandler assured Joey. "Hey, Al, is Sam going to Monica's party?"

"He traveled to Canada to spend the holidays with his family", she informed him.

They were interrupted by a car honk and they soon saw the taxi driving down the street. Phoebe turned around to park near them so they could enter the cab, hitting the sidewalk a little.

Chandler got in the co-pilot seat while Joey opened the door for Alycia to enter on the back, him entering shortly after she did.

"Can you believe this? In two hours I'm gonna have a dad!", Phoebe said with excitment.

"Big stuff!", Joey replied.

"Okay, let's go. Oh, you have to hold this", she handed Chandler a piece of paper.

"Break left, gas right?", he read in disbelief. Joey and Alycia sat back with their backs fully leaning against the seat as Chandler looked around for the seatbelt. "Where's my seatbelt?"

"This side deosn't have it. The paramedics had to cut through it".

Chandler exited the cab inmediately after, choosing to go sit at the back with the other two.


"Wow, this is it. I'm gonna meet my dad", Phoebe said once they're outside his house. "This is like the biggest thing ever".

"Yeah, Pheebs, it trully is", Alycia nodded with a smile.

"Okay, here I go".

"Good luck, Pheebs!", Joey smiled at her too.

"I'm going in", she repeated. "Here I go".

Phoebe was still sitting inside the cab, without being able to exit the car and go over his house to talk to him.

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