"Oh, well. When you do, just let me know. I'll be right over there at the edge of my seat", he replied ironically.

"Sorry I'm late!", Chandler rushes over to the table, kissing Monica on the cheek as soon as he's next to her. "Congratulations, Mon".

"Do I dare to ask?", the waiter showed up again.

"I'll start with the carpaccio, and then I'll have the grilled prawns", Monica said.

"That sounds great, same for me", Ross added.

"Well make it three", Alycia smiled at the waiter before Ross took her menu so he could hand his along with hers and Monica's to the guy.

"And for the gentlemen?"

"Yeah, I'll have the Thai chicken pizza buy hey, if I get it without the nuts and leeks and stuff...is it cheaper?"

"You'd think, wouldn't you?", the guy replied. "Miss?"

"I'll have the side salad", Rachel replied while handing him the menu.

"And what would that be on the side of?"

"I don't know", she replied. "Why don't you just put it right next to my water?"

"And for you?"

"Oh, I'm gonna have a cup of the cucumber soup and...uh...take care", Phoebe handed the menu over.

"I'll have the Cajun catfish", Chandler said.

"Anything else?"

"Yes, how about a verse of killing me softly?" he joked. "You're gonna sneeze in my fish, aren't you?", he added after noticing the glare from the waiter.


"Plus the tip, divided by seven...okay, everyone owes twenty-eight bucks", Ross said after the dinner was over.

Monica, Chandler and Alycia took their wallets out while Rachel asked, "Everyone?"

"Right, I'm sorry", Ross said.

"Thank you", Joey mutters to Rachel.

"It's Monica's night, she should pay".

"Oh, thank you!", Monica smiled.

"So, divided by the six of us is...33,50 dollars each".

"No. No way", Phoebe snapped. "Sorry, not gonna happen".

"Wow, prom night flashback", Chandler jokes.

"Monica, I'm really happy you got promoted, but cumcumber soup for thirty something bucks? No! Rachel had that little salad, and Joey with his tiny pizza. It's just-"

"Okay, Pheebs", Ross cuts her off. "How about each just pays for what they had".

Alycia shrugs, "Sounds fair".

Phoebe scoffed, "For you".

"Alrgith, what's going on?", Monica decided to ask.

"I really don't want to say, it's just gonna make everybody uncomfortable", Rachel looked at Phoebe and Joey as they nodded.

"Wow", Ross shortly replied. "What?"

"You can tell us", Chandler added.

"C'mon guys, it'll be fine", Alycia looks at them.

"Okay. We three feel like, uh...sometimes you guys don't get that, uh...", Joey tried, not being able to keep talking. The four other friends exchange looks between them before looking back at Joey. "We don't make as much money as you".

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