"Everything, Malfoy!" Aubrey barked. Draco had flinched at her sudden aggressive tone.

"You don't know what it feels like to have both of your parents killed. You don't know what it's like to be conflicted on what side to chose. You've never felt so much guilt ever," the Thomas girl cried.

"If you haven't noticed, sister dearest, I do know what it's like to be conflicted, and to feel guilt," Draco bluntly said.

"Oh, brother dearest, you do have choice. You only want your father's approval," Aubrey arrogantly mentioned, "and your father is in Azkaban, so unless you want that to be you-"

"Don't say a word about my father!" Draco seethed, his fist clenched by his side.

Aubrey didn't flinch a single muscle. Her glaze narrowed in on the Malfoy boy, her head tilting to the side. A sinister smirk grew on her lips. "Do you really think I give a damn? Draco, your life isn't hard. You were raised to be a self-righteous, pompous prick. I was raised to believe Dark Magic is the pathway to believe in, and to stand with Voldemort always. God, I have a prophecy made about me! Last time I checked, Malfoy, you never had a prophecy made about you," the witch roared in anger.

Draco sat silently, his hands shaking with fury. Both siblings were filled with way too much anger, at each other and about their lives.

"Just get the hell out, Draco," Aubrey quietly ordered, glaring down at the floor.

Draco sat there for a few seconds, before he thrashed opened the compartment door, slamming it shut causing the brunette to flinch at the sudden noise.

✧∘ଂ ࿐

HER HEAD WAS held high, even though she felt ashamed for Harry overhearing the particular conversation with Draco, Snape, and herself. Her plan was to lie, and if the Dark Lord notice, she would use her skilled talent in Occlumency to prevent anyone from getting the truth out of her.

The Malfoy family threw a dinner party in the welcoming feast for Draco and Aubrey. The brunette sat beside Narcissa, whom she was most close to, listening to the Death Eaters chat. She picked around at her food, her eyes boring into the mahogany table.

"Aubrey, please, report back to me with what you know," The Dark Lord suddenly demanded, ceasing the conversations before him.

Aubrey took a quick sip of her water from the glass cup, before speaking up. She pursed her lips, trying to remember what went on through the first term of school. "Um, Harry found this Potion's book that once belonged to this Half-Blood Prince. Which makes him tremendous at Potions, Slughorn is praising him all the time," she rolled her eyes at the Potion's master professor.

Voldemort chuckled lightly at the memory of Slughorn, back in his school days when he was Tom Riddle. "Tell me more about this book," The Dark Lord expressed.

"Let's see," Aubrey started, twisting her lips to the side. "It has all these self-created spells scribbled in it. It has different ways to make potions. Harry's actually quite fond of it."

Voldemort nodded, placing his fingertips together. "Anything else to report back?"

"Oh!" Aubrey realized another thing to say, "Dumbledore wants Harry to get a certain memory from Slughorn, that he changed. So, he's asked Harry to get closer to him."

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