Chapter 2

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It was already evening when I reached the airport and It was not crowded as before. I saw my brother looking worried. He was pacing back and forth mumbling something to himself. "Hey, Brandon," I called as I ran up to him. 

"Jennifer!  What the hell, I thought something happened to you," he sighed with relief while pulling me in for a bear hug. I had missed his hugs so much.

"Actually, something did happen. But I met this guy and he gave me directions back to the airport," I said, pulling away from him.

"All right, let's get you home,” he said as he led me into a shiny black car. “Oh, your stuff arrived already by the way,” he added.


I went ahead into my new home while leaving brother outside the quite afternoon, struggling with my bags. I'm not a mean person, but I am seriously tired.

Upon entering the luxury apartment, the familiar smell of fresh pines and wood hit me in the face. I followed the scent through a long hallway with blue wall covering, and ran my hands along them. I was thinking about how smooth it was, when I heard a faucet being turned off in a room on my left.

The door opened with hot steam, revealing the guy that gave me directions back to the airport. A towel was wrapped around lower body, showing only his dripping wet abs and chest. I felt my throat tightened as I goggled at his breathtaking body. 

"Hey, Jennifer this is your stuff, you know,” my brother said. His back was turned toward me as he tried to force my bag to roll.

"Brandon, why is he in your bathroom?" I asked trying to sneak glances at his chest.

My brother turned around and said, “Seriously, Chance? My sister is standing right there. If you're going to be my roommate please don't walk around the house half naked, and you," my brother said pointing to me "Stop staring at his body, and start on your room." 

"Okay, mom," I replied in a childish voice. I heard Chance snicker, but when I turned around his expression was perfectly normal.

I started making my way down the hall, though I had no idea where my room was. "Hey, Brandon where is my room exactly?" I asked, stopping in my tracks.

"It's the third to your right, across from Chance's. I'm going to call for pizza."

"Okay, and get some bread sticks," I added.


I came in to a room that was a little smaller than mine, but the purple walls were painted beautifully, and the bathroom was in my room. Yes, no need to go in the hallway.

Since my furniture was too much, I was going to just started on my closed and lay on a blanket and a pillow tonight. I soon got my bags and started unzipping them.

Bending over to reach for my bag, my shirt tore. "Aw, great now I have to change," I groaned. I decided to go with a blue sleeveless shirt and blue shorts that came to my knees. Pulling my shirt over my head, I heard the door creak open. 

"Nice view," Chance said, smiling.

I hurriedly pulled my shirt back down; very annoyed that he did not knock.

"Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" 

"Well, I got what I was looking for, a good view."

"Are you always this cocky?"

"Only when I have to be, and hurry up the pizza is getting cold."  He winked at me then closed the door.

"What a bastard," I murmured, rolling my eyes.

I went to lock the door and took my shirt off. I looked at my shoulder at the wolf tattoo and saw that it started to glow green. I began to freak out and ran to the bathroom to get a closer look. It really was glowing. 

Five minutes went by and it stopped glowing. I remember when I first got it.

13 years ago


I was really excited because the school's Halloween Bash was tomorrow.

"Mom, I'm going to be in my room." I excused myself from dinner. I looked at my mom at the right end of the table.

“No, Jennifer sit down and eat you need it." My mom said, taking a bite from broccoli.

"Mom, I have to make sure everything is perfect. I want to look perfect." I said drumming my nails on the table.

My mom smiled to herself, weird, "Okay honey, you can go." I was so happy I gave her a kiss and ran up the stairs.

Opening the door to my room and closing it really fast. I went to where my dress hangs in my closet and took it out of its bag. I took off my shirt when I saw something on my shoulder.

I ran to the bathroom and looked at the black designed. It had a wolf that had a crown at the top then the design went to my lower back, which the wolf had lines that swirled at the bottom. After, all of that, one purple designed gem sat right where my right mid- back was. 

I was so shocked that I took my whole clothes of and went shower it out. Yet, it did not work. I tried Bleach, Clorox wipes, Detergent, and Alcohol, nothing worked. 

 I wanted to tell my parents, but what if they think I'm a freak or something. I stayed awake that night and did not bother going to the dance because I would just fall asleep there. 


I finally made my way to the living room and saw them watching football. Brandon noticed me and asked," Why did you take so long? We left you some pizza in the microwave."

"I had an interruption, while I was changing," I said shooting daggers at Chance. He looked up and said, “What? That was a nice view."

"You went in while she was changing?" Brandon asked looking murderous at Chance. "I'm going to kill you," he threatened before they started running around like little kids.

I left them and went to eat my pizza, when something caught my eye.

"Dear Alpha Chance, my daughter will be staying with you. Please take good care of her and-"

"Hey I was reading that!" I yelled at Chance for snatching the paper.

"It's none of your concern," he said with a serious face, surprising me because I thought he never had one. He sat down across from me tidying up the rest of the papers.

"Why can't I read it?" I asked.

"You just can't," he rudely responded, got up and left.

"Why is he being so defensive about it?" I wondered aloud.

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