Chapter 2

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I looked up and saw the five people standing in front of me. The man holding the gun in the middle. The one in red, who looked familiar, on his right and the one in blue next to the red man. On the middle one's left was the woman and on her left was the man in yellow.

"What are you doing?" The one in black asked.

"I, uh, I took a wrong turn?" I answered but it came out more as a question.

"You're a terrible liar," The man took my phone and looked at it. "So, you work for the PD? Can't have you going off and telling people what you've seen tonight, especially now that you know our faces."

He raised his gun. My eyes got wide. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the one in red said something.

"Wait, Shiro, I think she could be of use to us," it dawned on me that this was the guy from Starbucks this morning. All of the people's attention went to him. "We've done research on everyone that works for the PD, right? I believe this one is (Y/N) (L/N). She has a background in medicine. We could keep her as our personal doctor. Maybe get some fun out of her."

While he was saying this, I was going through my bag to get my gun. When I finally found it, I held it up to them. "There won't be any need for that."

"Oh, look, she has a gun," The one in black said casually and unentertained. "If you think a gunshot is going to stop us, you'd be wrong, Beautiful. Besides, I bet you wouldn't shoot." He was right, I wouldn't. My hands shook at the thought of shooting another person, good or bad. I put the gun down. "I'm guessing I was right." I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

I stood up and walked up to the man in Black. "You might be right about me not being able to shoot someone, but that doesn't mean I can't run."

I grabbed my phone from his hands and took off out of the alley. I didn't think twice about leaving my food there. I heard them running after me and guns shooting. One of the bullets whizzed by my head. It barely missed me. I turned the corner. I wasn't going to go home, I didn't want them knowing where I lived. Another bullet shot my leg. I screamed and slowed down, limping. I heard footsteps behind me and dared to look back. The one in red was right behind me. It was only him. Agile and fast. Then again, I was limping. I didn't hear anymore gunshots and guessed they didn't want to shoot Red. I turned the corner again and Red was still right behind me. He was gaining on me. I looked at my phone and pressed the send button, sending Mason my location. With a flash of red, I was tackled onto the ground. My phone fell out of my hands. Red pinned my hands above my head with one hand and sat on top of me. With his other hand, he was keeping me from screaming. I kicked my knees up hoping to kick him hard enough he would get off of me. After a few seconds of my muffled screams, I finally licked his hand.

"Ah, gross!" He said wiping his hand on his pant leg.

"Tell me about it! I don't know where your hand has been!" I yelled at him. "Let me go!"

"Not until Shiro gets here," he said monotoned.

"I don't wanna be a sex slave!" I yelled at him.

"If you don't shut up, I'll do it right here!" Red yelled at me.

"No you won't," I challenged.

"Try me," he said as he started unbuttoning his pants, leaving my hands free.

"No no no no!" I yelled. "Please don't!"

"Then shut up!" He yelled.

After a few minutes of back and forth with Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, and Green pulled up in a car. Black got out of the car holding a rag, the rest of the people stayed in the car. Black gave the rag to Red and he looked down at me. My eyes got wide knowing full well what that was. I took a deep breath and moved my head to the left and right. Red moved the rag with my head and was able to get it on my mouth and nose. I tried to hold in my breath. I could feel my lungs screaming for fresh oxygen, but I still didn't release the breath. I could sense the anger in both Red and Black.

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