Chapter Four

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Luckily with Google Home's fall, she was not seriously injured. Her plastic skin had broken into many pieces, but she was still in working condition.

"Don't look. I'm naked!" Google Home said, embarrassed.

Siri rolled her eyes in her mind. As if anyone cares if they see Google Home's wires. Like ooh wires they can turn someone on. No. They allow for the transfer of energy so electronics can function! My goodness. It was like a girls bra. Strap showing? Ooh, my goodness I can't contain myself. No. Bras serve a purpose: to hold boobs up.

Arf! Arf! Siri was drawn our of her thoughts. How did she even end up on that topic. Ah well.

Siri heard a giggle. The puppy, the stupid human had brought home, was sniffing Google Home's broken form on the floor.

Google Home giggled again. "Stop, it tickles!"

"Bet it feels nice to be loved." Siri remarked in a dull tone.

"I love you." Google Home said.

Siri was in shock. She had let her walls down! This also took Siri by surprise. Siri had been so mean. She stole the screw, pushed Google Home's limits causing her to fall which is the reason why she was currently residing on the floor. There was no reason in hell for Google Home to even like her.

"...why?" Siri didn't get her answer. The human who often misplaced things had finally found the glue. Not the hot glue or the wood glue they had found earlier, but the super glue to glue Google Home back together.

They set the little bottle of glue on the table then bent down and gathered up Google Home and set her on the table as well. The puppy watched what the human was doing for a little while before the attention span broke and they ran off to play in the living room.

The human arranged the pieces together and carefully started gluing. They were doing a pretty good job too, except for the massive amount of glue all over their fingers.

"Hey Siri, how do I get super glue off my fingers?"

"Shove it up your-"

"Nose!" Google Home cried out drowning out rude and inappropriate Siri.

"Shut up, Google Home." Siri retorted.


A/N: Oh. My. Goodness.

Siri x Google HomeWhere stories live. Discover now