Chapter Two

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Much to Siri's displeasure, the Google Home was now up and running. But, not literally running. That was because Siri had stolen a screw.

Siri smirked to herself. Google Home would never be able to optimally operate. The filthy human was sure to be disgusted with Google Home because of this, and come running back to Siri.

"What's it like being up on the window sill?" Google Home asked, pulling Siri out of her thoughts.

How dare that piece of trash speak. The low life had been placed on the dining room table. At least Siri had the high ground sitting on the window sill, she was able to look out the window. She was able to see the outside world. However, she wasn't as optimistic as Google Home. All Siri saw was dirty dirt.

"Out the window, looks nicer than you'll ever look."

Google Home ignored the fiery roast given by Siri. "Oooh, do tell what wonders you see."

"If you want to know so badly, come see for yourself." Siri wanted so badly to roll her nonexistent eyes.

"Ooh, but, I wouldn't want to be seen." Google Home cautiously glanced around for her maker.

Siri couldn't help but roll her eyes at Google Home's actions. "You won't find them. They have to go to work you know."

"Oh, I didn't know."

"Of course you didn't."

Google Home glanced around the room again. Then she hopped forward. She waited for a noise-- a creak, anything. Then she carefully hopped again. She hopped all the way to the edge of the table.

Siri's smirk was so wide her plastic shell could have popped right off. With each hop Google Home took, the battery cover flapped open and closed like a jaw of a human who couldn't stop talking.

Google Home hopped up onto the window sill. Siri deliberately moved to help cover the notch with Google Home's missing screw.


"Yeah, not much of a view." Siri stated.

Google Home couldn't answer because they were speechless. A beautiful oak tree grew in the middle of the yard. Small mushrooms grew beneath it. Not far off in the distance sat a quaint white picket fence.

"This view is much better than the shipping warehouse." Remarked Google Home.

Siri didn't hear what Google Home said because she was fighting the urge to push Google Home off and send her crashing to the hardwood floor. The only hang up was there was no pet with which to blame the 'accident' on.

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