We rounded the corner, seeing Megan at her usual spot as she rested against the door. I felt my heart beat pick up at the sight of her in those skinny jeans, and soon I saw Blair’s fingers snapping in my face.

“Earth to Sam.”

I sighed, “Stop.”

“Well seriously, you’re staring at her like she’s made of diamonds.”

I looked at Bair, hearing a hint of something I didn’t quite understand, but recognized immediately. I smirked, “Are you… jealous?”

She rolled her eyes, “Yea, jealous that you got so lucky and I didn’t.”

“You’re not even gay, Blair.”

“I’m gay for Megan though.”

I shoved her away from me as I approached the class, sending Blair away, “Good bye, Blair.”

“Just behave, Samantha.”

This time Megan heard, and I saw something flash across her face as she chose to ignore the obvious comment that had come from Blair. I gave Blair a mean look as she waved to me sarcastically, disappearing quickly behind the corner as my gaze switched to Megan.

She spoke, “What was that?”

I smiled, scratching the back of my head as I tried to play it off, “Uh, nothing, she just knows about what happened and stuff. Doesn’t want me to keep adding on more punishments, you know?”

“You act like I make you copy definitions out the dictionary or something.”

I looked at her, realizing we were eye to eye today now that she wasn’t wearing heels. I smiled, “You’re right, our conversations are way better.”

Once again I hadn’t meant to flirt, but I had, and I watched an uneasy look cross Megan’s face. Although she seemed uncomfortable, she was blushing, which was something that happened when you were embarrassed in a good way, right?

Why was she so hard to figure out?

I turned into the classroom then, realizing I really needed to stop doing that. It was weird, and it made our conversations awkward, and I hated awkward.

Especially with Megan.

I couldn’t stop thinking about the things I wanted to say to her, the things I wanted to do to her. It was just so hard, acting like I wasn’t attracted to her, because I was. She was entirely too sexy for me not to be attracted to her. Suppressing my desires were hard, because I had never had to do that, and now I had to with Megan.

All because she’s somehow involved with my brother.

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now