1 - How The Alpha Comes In Play

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Erwin Smith, squad leader within the survey corps, was raised amongst strong alphas and their behaviour was drilled into him ever since he was little. He had shown very early in his life what qualities he got and was taken in by a family of an excellent breed, who raised the top best alphas amongst the walls. However Erwin needed suppressants, because despite his behaviour and brilliant mind, he was an omega.
The family raising him had very efficient medicaments to suppress his omega. They changed his scent, they muted his heat and every other little thing an omega would want to do or would feel when he was around an alpha. This combined with the splendid acting quality Erwin possesses was enough to let him seem like an alpha. He was strong, he was intimidating and he was big, good looking and full of himself. He managed very quickly to become a squad leader and even dominate all the other alphas in the survey corps. Only very few knew about him being an omega and those were Mike, Hanji and of course commander shadis.

Erwin had a fairly big stock of suppressants, but they will run out at some point and the ones the survey corps get, if they even get them, are not as strong as his, but he needs them to go on with his play. During the time of his trainee years, he discovered already, that Hanji was very delighted with everything that got to do with science and so he opened up to her about his state and she immediately agreed to work in secret on a medicament to replace his existing, that is just as strong. For sure they had to test hers and ever so often they left Erwin in a very delicate state and if it wouldn't have been for Mike, he wouldn't be where he is now.
Mike was a friend for Erwin from the very start and right from the beginning he knew there was something odd about Erwin and he soon found out, because of his splendid nose. Mike was of a special breed and one of the strongest, soon the strongest, alphas back in their training days. Erwin himself only just slightly noticed when is heat would normally be, but for Mike's nose it was pretty clear. Erwin scent wasn't strong at all it was more like a little change in it, that others didn't noticed, but for Mike it was there. Not so present that he would want to breed with him, but enough to confront him about it. From that day on Mike had an extra eye out to keep Erwin safe from others and as soon as the testings started he was there to help out.
Their goal was to create one strong enough to totally erase Erwins scent with the help of Mike's nose. Unfortunately it occurs during those trials that Hanji had to literally beat Mike out of Erwins room. It seems that when Erwin would fall into heat his scent was strong or it was maybe just because of Mike having such a refined nose. However the three changed locations for these tests to prevent other alphas to smell him. They had a small cabin a bit outside in the land, where no others from the survey corps would go to.
Erwin never bonded with anyone and he doesn't have any intent to do so at all. He has seen strong alphas turning totally around and he knows, that if he would take a mate he wouldn't be the same either. He can't risk that not at this point. He had a goal he wants to achieve and doesn't need any omega signs to appear.

Erwin was doing well in his years in the survey corps. He had a strong bond with Hanji and Mike and the commander trusted him. He never lost his cool in front of anyone once and no one had any suspicion that he might be an omega. One day he and Mike had buisness in the underground district and there he was. The blonde male was able to tell right away that he dark haired male, that was flying around and crossing his vision, was an alpha. He didn't needed to smell him to tell right away and it was the first one to have an impact on him so strong that Mike had to pull him away and back to the overground.
"Shit Erwin what was that just now?" Erwin blinks at Mike not knowing what he was implying with his question. Mike looks around to make sure that no one hears them. The cobber streets are empty in this dark alleyway and all windows in the houses left and right to them are shut tight as well.
"Erwin your scent pitched up and that military police guy was about to smell it as well. For him it was faint, but Erwin what have you seen, that made you lose your control?"
"Mike I didn't lost any control or such. Maybe it had to do with that one being. I have seen a small group of people with the maneuver gear."
"And you got excited about that?"
"Their leader seemed very capable. They are just a group of thugs, but we need every man and woman that can handle the gear like this." Ike shakes has head knowing already what Erwin wants.
"Fine, but keep your scent to yourself."

Erwin pulled up a grand show with getting his hands on the group of thugs, that was so talented with the gear. He played a perfect alpha and left Mike with putting the force up and emitting the needed alpha scent. It took a lot of strength for Erwin to not listen to the omega, that suddenly screamed inside of him to submit himself to this one, but the years of training to be an alpha despite his nature really paid off and he was able to get Levi.
"I hate this guy. He waves his alpha self around too much. I hate those guys." Levi growls out from between his teeth. He can feel that something is strange. He can't put his finger on it, but so far he doesn't bother to dig any deeper. He had his goal to make sure he and his two friends don't have to go back in the underground. Their plan stands for both of them. The alphas plan to kill Erwin is slowly forming and the omegas plan to establish a new formation and to consolidate his position as alpha. With Erwins behaviour no one doubts, that he is an alpha just like them. Only Mike gets nervous, when he sees or better said smells Erwin, whenever he is around Levi.
Erwin had this strange behaviour to emit more of his omega scent when Levi was close, but so far it wasn't too alarming. It was just Mike who could smell it out and when he was besides erwin he would conceal this scent with his alpha scent, so no one would wonder about it and Erwin was a good liar when enyone asks and pretends that he has been together with an omega for too long and their scent rubbed off on him. For long his act works perfectly fine even around Levi. It only crumbles after the expedition.

Despite the success they had as long as the weather was clear, but Erwin hasn't thought this through and wasn't prepared for the sudden rain. It was awful, not only for Levi and his comrades, but it was for him as well. Despite his urge to curl up and nestle into a pile of blankets and pillows, he puts up a front to at least keep Levi. Oh he oozed of alpha and Erwin was frightened and almost about to submit to him, but his mind was strong and he was able once again to dominate him.
However as soon as they are back inside the walls, Erwin ignores everyone and everything and goes straight to his quarters. He didn't even took the time to shower off the dirt and sorrow and went straight into a small room, that could have been a closet, but for Erwin it was his little hideout filled with pillows and blankets. It was his nest to find warmth and shelter and feel protected. A place where he can be the omega he needs to be at times like these. He deeply reproaches himself for the outcome and the loss everyone suffered from. It was the first time the responsibility was in his hands, the hands of an omega, alone and he was nervous right from the start. Mike had sensed it, even if the suppressants did a wonderful job to conceal him this time, but only for so long. They couldn't suppress the overpowering feeling to nestle right now. His whole body is covered with piles of blankets and pillows white, green, yellow all colors are piled up around him. The big male needs a lot to feel safe and a lot to conceal his huge body, that is shaking and sweating like crazy. He needed more, but can't bring himself to move one single muscle until his door opens with a creak. He doesn't care who it is at the moment and as the door to his hideout opens he can smell the strong alpha scent. It was the old familiar scent of him, that soothed him many times before. Mike huffs at the strong odour Erwin emits. He mumbles something to someone else and joins shortly after Erwin in his closet.
Hanji who went with Mike as concerned as she was, closed the door behind them and made sure no one would disturb Erwin until he was back to his pretended alpha. For now both of them let Erwin be the omega he actually is. Huddled up against Mike's chest and sniffing his calming alpha scent. Luckily not much of Erwins scent goes out into the hallway and only one tries to disturb the peace the male needs right now.

The Alpha in the Omega (EruRi omegaverse )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें