Chapter 3

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January 8th 2018 8:57

Kelsey dragged me and Carmen through the various corridors until I tugged my arm away and walked beside her. We came out by the 8th year common room (which I don't really go in much) and we spotted Missy in the far corner. Kelsey waved over at her and we walked towards her as she waved back.

As we talked, I waited until we had all talked about our Christmas holidays before I asked anything suspicious.

"Have you heard about Miss Booker?" I ask her, a fake and cheesy smile on my face.

Her eyes light up, "Oh yeah! It's strange really, I mean, she was very upset on the last day before the holidays but I thought she would be fine by now. How funny of her to take a day off!"

I frown, "She was upset?"

"Oh yes. Mr Rogers the other art teacher pulled her out of our class and we could hear them shouting in the corridor,"

"Shouting about what?" Carmen asks, looking concerned.

"Oh I don't know. All I heard was him saying 'If you don't give it to me now I'll make you pay'," Missy said dismissivly.

I have a warning glance to Kelsey and Carmen, and they nodded. Kelsey began to talk about Missy's news mani-cure and me and Carmen excused ourselves. We rushed back towards the dorm as we talked.

"Did you hear that, Parker?" I grinned.

"Mr Rogers was threatening Miss Booker!" She grinned back.

"Giving us possible motive! Call J.I.O, we need to have a meeting to discuss possible suspects,"

"But it's supper in 15 minutes?!"

"I'll deal with that,"

She rolls her eyes and we part ways.


8th January 18:12 The girls 'HQ' dormitory.

"Meeting 57 of the J.I.O, Junior Intelligence Organisation," I then rattle on who's present, the date and investigation. Before I could say anything more Sam piped up.

"Shaw, if we are missing supper, how will we have any food before prep? And what if matron notices we aren't there?"

Sam worries a lot, and get terribly upset at the slightest thing, so I have to explain to her, "Matron thinks my Father has taken us to the theatre to see Les Miserables. Two first years will bring us our food after prep (they say they know how to sneak a McDonalds into the school). This excuse also means we don't have to actually go to prep," The rest of them cheer and I return to J.I.O business.

"We now know Mr Rogers was threatening Miss Booker and possibly blackmailing her making him a suspect. What else have we learned?"

"If Miss Booker was kidnapped, it must have been someone who knew her routine. It couldn't have been a student as she's pretty distant from them," Alex says.

"I don't think it was anyone from out of school either. I was talking to Sarah and she says no one saw her leave school, or anyone come in," Sam says. Sarah is her sister, who is also a prefect, so she has reason to know, "That leaves the teachers as suspect,"

"But the teachers leave at the same time as students on the last day of term," says Kelsey, who has been silent for a while.

"But what about the teachers who lead the after school clubs?" I say, "They go on for another hour after school,"

The rest of the room seems to lighten up. We finally had a suspects list. We gather around Sam's computer as we write it down, listing everything we know.

Ivestigation of the disappearence of Miss Booker


Miss Isles.
Science misteress.
Alibi: Unknown
Motive: Unknown
Opertunity for crime: Runs Chess club after school

Mr Rogers
Art teacher
Alibi: Unknown
Motive: Unknown, but was heard threatening Miss Booker and possibly blackmailing her on the day of her kidnapping.
Opertunity for crime: Unknown

Miss Myers
Math teacher
Alibi: Unknown
Motive: Unknown
Opertunity for crime: Runs math camp on Friday afternoons.

Mamzelle Estelle
French teacher
Alibi: Unknown
Motive: Unknown
Opertunity for crime: Tutors after school

Mr Chamberlain
Science teacher
Alibi: Unknown
Motive: Unknown
Opertunity for crime: Holds football after school

Find Alibis and motives for all suspects by following them and interveiwing students.

Satisfied with our list, we ended the meeting.

A/n: Two chapters in a day Shakespeare who

Two Truths, One Lie and a Murder.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ