"What about Spider-Man?" Hannah asked. "Is he out there?"


"Thank God."

"You seem to really dislike Spider-Man."

"I don't dislike him, he's just getting on my nerves," Hannah said. "He won't leave me alone."

"Tell him to piss off."

"I do tell him, but he won't stop."

"We better head home, Anthony," Hannah said. "It's getting late."

"You're right," Anthony said. "I'll see you tomorrow."


At school, everyone knew Hannah as the girl who barely talked. She wouldn't go out of her way to make conversation with others, except with her friends. There was more to her silence. No one knew half the crap she goes through.

Part of her wished everyone knew what she went through, but she would much rather have everyone know that she's just a quiet girl. She didn't want anyone to know she was the quiet girl with problems. 

Hannah left school alone once again. She didn't really care. She headed back home. She kept her promise to Anthony. She didn't put on the mask. She just went home.

She stopped by the deli in Queens to get a sandwich. She knew Luke was going to be busy at work and that he didn't have time to make some food for her.

"Hi, Hannah," Mr. Delimar, the owner of the deli, greeted her.

"Hey, Mr. Delimar," Hannah greeted him. 

"What can I get you today?"

"The number four sandwich," Hannah requested.

Hannah paid for the sandwich and waited for her sandwich to get ready.


Hannah got home. Just as she entered the house, Anthony called.

"Hey, Anthony," Hannah greeted her friend.

"I see that you didn't go to the lair," Anthony said.

"Yeah," Hannah said. "I made a promise, didn't I?"

Anthony installed a software on his computer and Hannah's laptop where they can check on the lair when they're in school or at home. 

"Hey, Anthony, how long until you finish modifying the mask?" Hannah asked.

"Tomorrow," Anthony said. "I can swing by your house tomorrow and drop it off."

"No!" Hannah said, immediately. "I'll come by your house to pick it up."

"Are you sure?" Anthony asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Hannah said. "Text me your address and I'll pick it up on my way to work."

"You work on Saturdays?" Anthony asked, surprised.

"Yeah, I don't have a lot of friends, so I work," Hannah said.

"Huh, didn't expect that," Anthony said. "Alright. Text me when you're about to head to work."

"Okay, cool," Hannah said. "I'll talk to you later."

Hannah went up to her room and took out her laptop from her backpack. She opened it and went onto the software to check on the lair. She just wanted to make sure nothing happened to it or no one stumbled into it. 

She started to eat her sandwich as she went onto Netflix to watch a show. She would occasionally Snapchat or text her friends from Missouri. She used to live in Missouri. She lived there until she was twelve years old when her parents decided to transfer to the NYPD. Her uncle Luke, with his wife, Hannah's aunt, and their family. 

All of Hannah's cousins moved out for university and unfortunately, Hannah's aunt was killed during the Battle of New York. 

Her cousin, Luke's son, ended up calling her.

"Hey, Jake," Hannah greeted her cousin.

"Hey, Hannah," Jake greeted her.

"How are you?" 

"Alright. You?"

"Fine. I think."

"I'm guessing Dad is still at work?"

"Yeah, he's still there," Hannah confirmed. "When will you visit?"

"I think next weekend," Jake said. "I can't confirm anything yet. It depends on how much work I have."


"Alright, I gotta go, I wanted to check up on you," Jake said.

"Thanks," Hannah said.

"Text me if you need anything."

"Alright, I will."

"Talk to you later."


Jake hung up the phone and Hannah returned to her show and her sandwich. 


The weekend went by pretty quick. She kept her promise to Anthony. She went back to school. Her injuries got better a bit.

She went to her locker to put a few of her notebooks in before classes started. Ned Leeds walked up to her.

"Hey, Hannah," Ned greeted her.

"Hi, Ned," Hannah greeted him.

"Are you busy after school today?" Ned asked.

"Yeah, I am," Hannah said. "Sorry."

"Oh," Ned said, disappointed. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, um, I have work and, um, my cousin is driving down here for dinner," Hannah lied. "Uncle Luke and I haven't seen her since she left for university and she really wants to come down here for a few hours."

"That sounds fun, seeing Cathrine," Ned said. 

"What did you have in mind if I wasn't busy?"

"I just wanted to see if you wanted to go watch a movie with Peter and me," Ned said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I would love to come, but I can't."

"It's fine, I understand," Ned said.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. This is longer than most chapters I write. I still hope you all enjoy it. 

I started writing a new fanfic called Instagram, which is a Ty Simpkins fanfic. I would appreciate it if you guys checked it out. Ty plays Harley in Iron Man 3 and Avengers Endgame. 

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