"I was thinking of Chandler but that's a pretty good choice too".

"Oh, right! Chandler too", she agreed.

Joey focused back on the TV while Alycia looked a tiny baby being carried down the hall. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of it. She didn't quite realize about it, but she'd really like to have her own baby. Now now, but maybe someday.

"Ugh, I want one", she said after the baby was out of her sight. 

Joey turned to look at her in confussion, "What?"

"I want a baby", she explained. "Not now, but maybe in a few– oh my God, what if I never have one and I'm the one who never gets married?" Alycia pauses for a few seconds before turning to look at Joey with a frighten expression, "What if I become Chandler?"

"You're not gonna become Chandler", he starts. "And if it helps you feel any better, we'll make a deal. If neither of us are married by fourty, we can marry and have a baby together".

Alycia looked offended, "I'm gonna get married before I'm forty".

"I was just saying", Joey defended himself.

She thought it for a few seconds before shrugging, "Deal".

Alycia didn't really cared about accepting, it's not like she's ever marrying Joey anyway.

"Guys, we're gonna get some coffee", Monica informed as she walks closer to them.

"I'll go", Alycia stood up. "You want anything, beloved future husband?", she teased.

"I'm good", Joey smiled at her joke.

"Beloved future husband?" Monica looked extremely confused.

"Long story", she took her arm, dragging her to where Chandler was waiting for them.

"You guys found Ross yet?" Alycia rushed over Chandler and Monica after searching the whole floor for him. Carol was having the baby but he was nowhere to be found, neither was Susan. And just to make things even worse, it seemed like Joey and Phoebe decided to disappear too.

"No", Chandler replied as Monica pulled away from their hug. "Where have you been?" he asks as Joey appeared in the waiting room with them.

"I just had a baby", he said in a tired voice.

"Dammit, Joey, you were supposed to wait for me", Alycia teased as they all follow after him.


"Where are they?" Carol asks in pain as everyone is around her. Everyone but Phoebe, Ross and Susan.

"I'm sure they're gonna be here soon", Monica attempted to calm her down.

"Relax. You're only at nine centimeters and the baby is at cero station".

They all turn to look at Joey with a questioning look. "Hey, you are frightening me", Chandler said.

Carol groans in pain, grabbing Chandler by the shirt and pulling him down. "Wanna help me? She's trying to rip off my heart", he spoke again.

"It's okay, Carol, it's okay". Alycia moved Chandler away, taking Carol's hand so she would let go of him.

"Anyone's seen a nipple?"

"Ten centimetres", the doctor announced. "Here we go".

"Okay, honey, you need to push", the nurse added.

"But they're not here yet!"

"Sorry, can't tell the baby to wait".

Carol started pushing as the whole group started cheering; "Push, push, push!"

"Hey, we're here!" Ross and Susan rushed into the room after a few minutes.

"Where have you been?" Carol asked in an angry tone.

"Long story, honey", Ross kissed her head.

"Alright. There's a few too many people in this room, there's about to be one more, so anybody who's not an ex-husband or a lesbian life partner, out to go", the nurse pointed at the door.

Everyone started waving goodbye and wishing good luck as they exited the room. "Quick question; do you have to be Carol's lesbian life partner?" Chandler asked.

Alycia grabbed his arm to drag him out of the room.


"Everybody", Ross started as the group is back in the room with him, Susan and Carol. "There's someone I'd like you to meet. This is Ben, Ben this is everybody".

"Susan, he looks just like you", Phoebe said.

"Oh God, I can't belive one of us actually has one of these", Rachel added a few seconds later.

"I know. I'm still one of these", Chandler pointed at Ben.

"He's so cute, I want to cry", Alycia said while looking down at the baby.

Joey wrapped an arm around her as she hugged him back, still smiling at the sight on Ben. He was definately the most beautiful baby she has ever seen.

"Ross, can I?" Monica asked.

"Yeah, sure", he nods, handing the baby to her.

Monica was also about to cry as she held her nephew. "Hi, Ben. I'm your aunt Monica. I– I will always have gum".

"Isn't he the cutest thing you've ever seen?" Alycia said in a lower voice, the comment intended to be for Joey to hear.

"Yeah". He looks down at her birefly before looking back at Ben. "I can't wait to be forty and have one of my own", he admited.

Alycia chuckled. "Yeah, me neither".

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