"Why does he love you more than me?" Ross asks offended.

"Because I'm prettier than you", she joked, sticking her tongue out at his direction.

"Because I'm prettier than you", Ross mocked her.

"I don't talk like that", Alycia stated in her defense.

"Chinese?" Monica walks over the couch to offer Alycia one of the boxes with food they bought.

"Thanks", she accepts the box, still with Marcel on her shoulder. "Go play, Marcel".

The monkey obeyed, jumping away from her to walk around the living room so she could eat without having him on her shoulder. Ross yet again gave the monkey an offended look as he focused back on the TV to try and change the lenguage back to English.

"Hey, Pheebs", Joey walks closer to the living room where Monica, Rachel, Alycia, Ross and Phoebe were. "Do you mind if I ask your sister out?"

"Why? Why would you do such a thing? Why?"

"So that if we went out on a date, she'd be there", Joey stated the obvious.

"Well, I mean...whatever", she sighs. "Why not?"

"Cool, thanks", Joey smiled.

"Are you okay?" Alycia asked her after Joey was back in the kitchen. She knew the Ursula subject is a sensitive topic for Phoebe and her face kind of shows just how much she hates the idea of Joey dating her twin sister.

"Yeah, I'm alright", she nods.

"You guys wanna watch LaverneShirley?", Ross asks shortly after, making the four girls laugh.


The gang was again reunited at Central Perk, all gathered around Ross who finally understood what being a father trully meant, and that he was soon gonna become a parent and will be filled with new types of responsabilities. The friends sat around him as he was having his mental breakdown.

"I'm going to be a father", he mumbled for the millionth time.

"Now you realize?" Alycia asks while holding his hand.

"I always knew I was having a baby, I just never realized the baby was having me", he answered.

"Oh, you're gonna be great", Rachel tried to cheer him up.

"How could you say that? I can't even get Marcel to stop eating the bath mat", Ross sighed.

"Give me a few minutes with him to talk", Alycia joked. "I'll get it through his tiny monkey skull".

Ross sighs again after her comment. "How am I gonna raise a kid?"

"You know, Ross, some scientists were now saying that monkeys and babies are actually different", Chandler added, earning a glare from Ross.

Joey stood up from his chair, making Phoebe speak almost instantly, "Where are you going?"

Things with them weren't exactly good after Phoebe finally confessed just how pissed she was about Joey dating Ursula. It was kind of obvious for the whole group, but of course Joey being Joey didn't quite figure it out until she actually told him.

"Out", he simply said.

"With?" she insisted.

Joey sighed. "Yes", he says, refering to Ursula.

"Can I ask you one question?" Phoebe asks as Joey nodded. "Have you guys...you know?"

"Not like is any of your business but no, we haven't", he replied before walking away. "You meant sex, right?"

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