The Mortal Cup Part 2 | Season 01 Episode 01

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02. The Mortal Cup Part 2

"Do you think he'll ever wake up?  It's been three days already."

"You have to give him time.  Demon poisoning is strong stuff."

"Mundies die awfully easily, don't they?"

Three days, Corey thought slowly.  All his thoughts ran as thickly and slowly as blood.  I have to wake up.

But he couldn't move.

Luke's words clung to him, one after the other, boring into his memory; scarring him.

Corey felt as if his eye lids had been sewed shut; and he could imagine his skin tearing as he peeled them slowly open and blinked for the first time in three days. 

Painfully he hauled himself into a sitting position.  Every part of his body, aching.  He glanced around the room.  He was tucked into a linen-sheeted cot, one of a long row with matching bed sheets and metal headboards.  He could hear New York traffic coming from outside.

A girl, with long raven hair and blue eyes, sat at the foot of Corey's bed, smiling.  "I'm Isabelle," she said, extending her hand toward Corey.  Corey glanced at the hand she held out, she wanted him to kiss it, but instead, he highfives her, stupidly.  Isabelle giggles, however.  "I've never seen Alec so curious about a mundane.  Or distracted." she tilted her head, smiling crookedly.  "Won't you tell me your name, mundane who's captured my brothers eyes?"

Corey gulped.

"Where's Clary," he murmered, his voice hoarse. 

Isabelle frowned at Corey.  "You have to speak louder than that, darling."

"Corey!" Jumping, Corey strained to see behind Isabelle—where he saw Clary, racing his way with open arms.  "Clary," Corey whispered, embracing the red head tightly.  "I'm so sorry I left you," he whispered into her ear, quietly.

Clary squeezed Corey tighter.  "It's okay."

"Mundanes shouldn't be in here," a voice, Corey recognized as the one with blue eyes said, entering the room.  His movements stopped, however, when he saw Corey.  "You're awake." he noted.

Corey pulled away from Clary, nodding his head timidly.

"They aren't mundane, Alec," Jace justified.

"How do you know that?" Alec asked.

"Because the seraph blade lit up when they touched it; you saw it yourself, Alec." he turned to Isabelle.  "Izzy, can you...?" he motioned his hands distantly.

Isabelle stood and walked away, Jace taking seat where Izzy had been only seconds ago.  "Jace, I'm—"

"We know who you are," Jace clarified.  Corey tensed beside Clary, but said nothing.

"Am I the only one who finds this unusual?"

"You find everything unusual, Alec," Jace sighed. Corey looked to the one with blue eyes he now knew as Alec.

Alec, his mind repeated.

"We have to report this to the Clave." Alec said, folding his arms stiffly.

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