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A/N: Hey guys! It's EndOfBeginning, and I'd like to say that I'm a huge PJO fan. Thanks for reading this! When I first started to read fanfiction, I started to get ideas for different plots. Finally, they're here.

Disclaimer: Percy Jackson and the Olympian characters belong to Rick Riordan.


        Annabeth Chase sighed in frustration as she entered the coffee shop at precisely 8:00, like she does everyday of the week. The shop was named Camp's Coffee, and a girl named Thalia with spiky black hair and blue eyes works there. After a couple of encounters with Annabeth, Thalia had learned to 1.  not mess with her and 2. Annabeth orders the same thing every freaking day. So Annabeth was expecting to find her cup of black coffee with half a cup of milk and two sugers, but there was nothing on the counter. Her eyes narrowed.

        Annabeth's day had sucked already. She had found out that her essay for english was due tomorrow, and her roommate 'accidentally' threw away one of her plans for architecture. Basically, Annabeth was wired to beat the living daylights out of somebody. The perfect oppurtunity came when a tall boy walked to the counter and asked, "What can I get for you?"

        "What can I get for you?" Annabeth muttered in disbelief. Then she spoke louder, "I want a medium black coffee with half a cup of milk with two sugars, like I do every day."

        The boy raised an eyebrow, and flashed her a lopsided grin. "Grumpy, lately?"

        Annabeth snapped. "Listen, just get me the fricking coffee and no one gets hurt."

        The boy ruffled his jet black hair, revealing his sea green eyes. "Do you ever smile?"

        Annabeth rolled her eyes. "No, I don't. Now get me the coffee."

        The boy turned his back on her to get the ingredients. "My name's Percy, just so you know."

        Annabeth just pressed her lips in a thin line, as she observed Percy. He had a killer tan, and was lean and tall...gods was he... Annabeth shook her head frantically, clearing her thoughts. What was wrong with her?

        "Where's Thalia?" Annabeth blurted out, twirling a golden curl between her fingers.

        "Oh, she's on vacation. Apparently I have to fill in for her to not- quote unquote- be pummled until I plea for mercy and be thrown into an everlasting doom called her rock concert."

        Annabeth had to stiffle a giggle threatening to erupt from her lips. Percy turned around with a cup of coffee with a triumphant grin plastered on his face. "Was that a laugh I hear?"

        "Of course not," Annabeth deadpanned and left the shop without another word.


        The next day, Annabeth returned to see that there was a cup of coffee ready to go on the counter, and a joke/riddle book opened next to it. Annabeth did a 360 survelliance of the shop, and it seemed deserted. Walking forward slowly, she grabbed the coffee, but a head popped up behind the counter. Annabeth screamed and nearly dropped her coffee. Nearly.

        It was Percy.

        "Guess what? I'm going to make you smile!"

        "You still remember that?" Annabeth said incredulously. But she would not smile. Her pride was too big to be crushed by some silly competition.

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