42 Things To Do At School

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1. Ask a nearby student if you could borrow a pencil. Then "accidentaly" snap it.

2. When a teacher asks you to write something down, stare at your paper and get fustrated. When your teacher asks whats wrong, say "My pencil won't make words!"

3. If you ever slip and fall in the cafeteria,  stand up and say, "And scene." as to make it look as if you had done it on purpose.

4. When you are on your way to your favorite class, walk in a unique fashion.

5. Once you are let off of the schoolbus, cough and pretend you are allergic to school.

6. If your school has stairs and you fall down them, pretend you were investigating gravity and you had succeeded in your testing.

7. Ask a teacher to go to the restroom. Then when they allow you to go, tell them you no longer have to go.

8. On the last day of school, after you exit the doors, celebrate loudly and obnoxiously.

9. In Social Studies, tell jokes about other countries.

10. Slam your locker door closed and growl.

11. Throw a pencil at someone. Say you dropped it.

12. Sit on the floor instead of on your seat.

13. Count how many bricks there are on the wall. Raise your hand and tell your teacher.

14. When your teacher calls on you, say "(Your name here) is not here at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep. Beeeeeep."

15. When someone your friend likes is in the lunch line, tell them to turn around, smile at them, and wave like a creep.

16.  "Accidentally" hit your friend's arm while walking.

17. Sing songs with your friends that fit with the environment.

18. While working on a worksheet, tell the person beside you that you won't give them the answer to number three.

19. Change the date by one millennia.

20. Draw a design on your hand.

21. Use a song lyric as an answer to a question.

22. Ask the person in front of you a random question.

23. When the fire alarm goes off and your teacher says "Single file order!" stay slightly out of line.

24. Sing your own theme song when you walk into a classroom.

25. When in the bathroom, shout "Is it supposed to be shaped like that?!"

26. Turn to someone and tell them "The voices are talking to me again."

27. Introduce an imaginary friend to your class and teacher.

28. Have a staring competition with the tissue box.

29. Slurp on a drink loudly.

30. If you answer a question correctly, make a random noise.

31. Look out of a window and give a weather report.

32. Sneeze and blame the school for your allergies.

33. Pretend that the leaf that had fallen off of a tree accidentally fell to its death.

34. Switch desks with a friend and see how many times you can switch without getting caught.

35. Pretend to share jokes with your pencil.

36. Dance on your desk.

37. Have a toaster in your locker and make PopTarts every morning.

38. Ask someone if they would like fries with that.

39. Shout out "Bingo!" at a random time during class.

40. Hold a funeral for the dead leaf.

41. Tell your friends the first thing on your mind.

42. When you see a dark cloud, point out of a window and tell the teacher it's going to rain.

43. Start a food trading circle with friends in your class.

44. Make up a tune to help you and your surrounding classmates memorize a formula for class.

45. Make a secret message with your lunch.

46. Start a percussion line with people nearby at your locker.

47. Give your writing utensils names.

48. Make jewelry out of old worksheet paper.

49. Take notes in a shape that goes along with the current lesson.

50. Copy a teacher's fashion.

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