Part 4: Chapter 1

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He snorted as his wife and daughter trudged up the stairs singing. If Makayla's biological mother wasn't standing on his porch, he would have thought Eloise had given birth to Makayla herself, they looked so much alike. Both of them had their long blonde hair in messy buns on top of their heads and were wearing matching nightgowns with dragons on them.

Melissa cleared her throat and Aries' gaze fell on her once more. He groaned and motioned for her to come inside. "Take your shoes off or Eloise will have a fit."

Melissa quickly pulled her shoes off and Aries took her cloak from her and hung it up. He beckoned for her to follow him down the hallway and into his office. He closed the door behind them and took the seat behind his desk without saying a word. Melissa sat down in the chair opposite him and wrung her hands nervously.

The only sound in the room came from the clock ticking on the wall. Aries glared at her from his seat as the silence dragged on.

Melissa took a deep breath. "Well?"

Aries' frown deepened. "Well what? You're the one who showed up at my house uninvited after you said I'd never see you again."

"I know," she said quietly.

"What do you want? Are you here to try to take Makayla from me? Because if you are--"

She quickly shook her head. "No. I don't want her. I meant what I said when I left. I didn't and still don't want children."

Aries felt his heart break for his daughter when she said that but he didn't allow the pain to show on his face. "Then what do you want?"

"I missed you--"

"Bullshit Melissa. What do you want?"

"It's true!" She was crying again. "I know you don't believe me but I love you."

"I loved you once too. Now, I can't stand the sight of you," he sneered. "And I know that wouldn't bring you all the way here to see me. Now. I only let you in at the request of my wife who is far too kind. So I'll ask you one more time before I throw you out of my house. What. Do. You. Want?"

"Do I know your wife Aries? Her name sounds familiar," Melissa said, leaning back in the chair. She snapped her fingers. "Is it Empty-headed Eloise? Eloise Van Herrick from Hogwarts? She was a year behind us?"

"She's not empty-headed. And her name is Eloise Meyers now, but yes," he said through his teeth.

There was a knock at the door of his office. "Come in."

Hermione walked in studying a file that she was carrying. "Good morning sweetheart. I'm headed to Paris for a meeting but I wanted to ask you about this report you submitted before I leave so I floo'd over--" She looked up and halted when she saw Melissa sitting in front of his desk.

"Hello Mrs. Malfoy," Melissa said timidly.

Hermione glanced over at Aries and saw the pain on his face. She frowned. "Melissa. I didn't think I'd ever see you again. What are you doing here?"

Aries stood up. "She's leaving."

"No wait! Aries please!"

"What the hell do you want Melissa?!"

She looked nervously over at Hermione.

Hermione took the hint. "I think I'll go say hello to my granddaughter and daughter in law. It was, um, nice to see you Melissa. Take care."

Melissa turned back to Aries and took a deep breath. "My mother is ill. And doesn't have much time left to live. We've reconciled and she wants to meet the little girl."

Delighted To Love You: A Dramione StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang