「 t h i r t e e n 」

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He found himself sitting at the canteen the following week as he is waiting for Ashton's arrival. Luke doesn't know how he feels towards the dirty blonde; he has to keep his walls up because he doesn't want to get hurt. Luke does not know why Ashton wants to be his friend because why would anyone?

Luke is impossible to be around since he doesn't talk much and whenever anyone tries to talk to him, he is rude and cold. That's why everyone doesn't want to be with him and ends up spreading rumours about him.

He don't mind the rumours because that gets people to stay away from him. He knows that Ashton doesn't care about the rumours...and that gets him.

Suddenly he saw Ashton's figure walking up to the table since he basically made himself at home there. It ponders Luke to thinking if Ashton had some beef between Calum and Michael or something like that. But why should he care?

He doesn't care about anything.

"Hello Luke." Ashton smiles at him.


"How are you?"

It was a typical question that everyone ask at the start of every conversation with someone they barely know. Why would Ashton care so much about a guy that has issues and work at a dumb pizzeria that can barely make a living off his pay check?

It is absurd to the brunette, but he answer back with his typical response: "Just living and getting by this hell."

"Alright." he chuckles. It was the same chuckle that he hear everyday and sometimes Luke can hear it in the back of his mind.

Luke made a close observation at the dirty blonde. He watch as he eats his lunch and Luke has to find something else to stare because it's awkward to stare at someone eating.

"How was your day?" the question slip out of Luke's lips, which surprised the both of them.

"Um, it's good I guess. But I know you don't care so I'm not going to say much." Ashton respond.

The question made Luke feel weird. He didn't realise how much he affects the people around him. At the same time, he doesn't give a shit.

With Ashton, it's something different. It's like Luke does care about Ashton's day and he wants to hear him talk about everything that happens even if nothing extravagant did happen.

He had to take a step back and think about what is going on with him. What is happening?

He can't be this way! That will only put his guards down! And he does not want that to happen!

But his heart is saying something different. He never listens to them because only shit goes out of there and he can't trust his heart.

This is all so fucking stupid!

"No you can go ahead." he ends up saying. He felt his brain smacking him across his face and the response surprise Ashton greatly.

"Um...I'm leaving it as that because I know for sure that you don't care. I'm honoured, but you don't care." Ashton shrug.

Luke felt his jaw tense for no reason as he tries to relax it.

He saw as Ashton's hazel eyes shimmer and felt at ease. It is weird how something like that can make him feel like that.

He doesn't know what is going on with him and it's kind of freaking him out. Is it because he is around Ashton most of the time?

He really needs to shut the hell up and not say anything. He knows if his feelings get in the way, it will damage everything. He will not ever open up to anyone.

Suddenly he felt Ashton stare at him and he felt himself get annoyed. He doesn't enjoy when people stare at him.

"You know, if you ever want to find your soulmate, you have to stop pushing people away. You can't find anyone if all you do is push them away." Ashton said in a nonchalant gesture, which made Luke freeze in his spot.

His eyes narrow at the dirty blonde as he said, "I don't know what you are talking about."

He is clearly lying, but he doesn't know if Ashton believes him or not. He isn't saying that he is a good liar or anything, people just tend to believe anything he says even when he is being sarcastic.

"I'm just saying." shrugs Ashton.

"Are you and Calum still friends or anything?" the blonde ask all the sudden, clearly he is faking interest.

"I honestly don't know. I hate how he would say rude things about you that are probably not true. I can't stand people that create drama."

"Sure. You probably hate him for saying rude things about me."

"I don't hate him, I just hate how he easily judge you. Sure you guys might know each other longer than I have, but he judges you over your every move." Ashton states.

Luke doesn't say anything in response because it is particularly true. Calum does know him longer, and he knows more about him than Ashton. Some of the things he says about the brunette is true, but Luke doesn't like to admit it.

Is he a monster?

To some people he might be.

He went ahead and change the thought out of his mind. He's not going to deal with that now...or never.

Suddenly the bell ring and Luke walk straight out of the canteen to finish off the day.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I apologise for it being crappy!!

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