Round 1: Entries

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These are the entries I have so far. And the voting begins now, so if you still didn't send your entry, you will have less time on voting.

District 1 Girl: Shimmer Olivero

I sighed as I walked through the crowds my black hair blowing gently in the wind, strands being pulled out of my neat updo. The people around me, were all well dressed, their hair falling in a satiny sheet if they were a girl, their well toned muscles flexing beneath semi-formal tuxedos if they were of the opposite sex, and I was no objection, my dress was red and flowed to mid-thigh, the collection of breezy fabrics almost dancing around my slim body.

The town square was large and almost filled with teenagers, their pose stating their current mental and physical state. The Careers were the people standing tall, their shoulders thrown back, a smug grin wiped onto their faces. The smart were looking around, a knowing smirk on their face as if they knew the worlds secrets- they probably did, everyone knew that the smarty pants from District 1 could easily get a one-way ticket to a place in government, and then they would be shipped to the capitol. Then there was the unprepared, the weak, and the poor, they all stood their shoulders slumped the plain gowns slightly the wrong size. I smirked, District One, you either lived in luxury or in the slums from hell. I entered the section that was pegged off for girls of my age, the other mediocre lookers throwing me jealous glances as I stalked towards my own group of friends each of them wearing a beautiful, yet showy, dress the almost compared to my own. We talked for a while, throwing our hair over are slim shoulders and giving off sparkly white gleams to anyone that looked our way. Suddenly a fanfare played, and we all turned to watched the stage, the capitol banners that adorned the justice building fluttering in the wind. “Welcome, Welcome” District 1’s mentor, a woman with rather bright hair, said- her magnificent mane wobbling slightly as she walked to centre-stage. “Welcome, Welcome” District 1’s mentor, a woman with rather bright hair, said- her magnificent mane wobbling slightly as she walked to centre-stage. “To the 67th hunger games where one courageous young man and woman shall be picked to fight to the death in a surprise arena.” The Careers- including me- nodded, glancing around the pen of 18 year olds to see who would be their biggest competition when it came to calling out the two most important words someone like me will ever say. The overly bright and bubbly woman on the stage practically skipped to one of the enormous glass bowls and reached in with her well-moisturized hand to chose who would be in the midst of a fight between my fellow careers and I. She took a sheet of paper out and cleared her throat as she read the name, I don’t know who it was who was on the piece of paper, but I did know who was going in, I opened my mouth, a grin playing around thecorners. “I volunteer as tribute”


District 1 Boy: Lucai Roling

I stared at the girl in the crowd. Shimmer, Summer? What was it again?

Then again, I don't care. She volunteers and goes through the usual.

Name, age.

And now onto the boys.

Reaching her flawless hands, I can hardly hold my breath. The suit enclosed around hardly seems to fit. It's buttons and sequins popping at the seams.


'Remy Harlington'.

Without missing a beat, a throw my hands into the air.


The excitedness seeps through my vocal cords. There's hardly a thing to be excited shot. I'm pitting my wits and strengths against others. I probably won't make it through, but I'll be damned if I don't try.

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