District 3 Girl: Elora Piper (_justcloseyoureyes_)

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Name: Elora Piper

Age: 17

District: 3 Technology

Apperance: Dark brown hair, startling blue eyes and tall.

Personality: Unbelievably clever, fiercely opinionated, (she can argue so eloquently that hardly anyone dares to debate with her,) brave and stubborn. Will never back down or give in. Loyal to those she loves and fierce to those who get on her bad side. 

Weapon of Choice: Her intelligence. Elora does not need weapons when her wit will keep her safe in the tournament. If needed Elora has the intelligence to set fatal traps. However she could fight ferociously if needed.

Special Skills: Intelligence. Elora can outwit almost anyone she meets. Furthermore she will fix on victory with determination and therefore will be able to survive the most dire of situations without giving up.

Favorite Activity: Elora's father has amassed a large collection of books and therefore Elora spends most of her time reading and fuelling her intelligence with more knowledge.  

District Token: Her favourite fairy tale from childhood written on a scrap of paper by her father. Red Riding Hood. However this was a version written so that Red Riding Hood uses her intelligence to save herself rather than waiting for someone to save her.

Celebrity: Kaya Scodelario

Theme Song: King of Anything Sara Bareilles

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