District 11 Girl: Rebecca (Becca) Hart

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Name - Rebecca (Becca) Hart 

Age - 14

District - 11

Appearance - She has long, medium brown hair with a slight wave in it. She's got large dark green eyes flecked with brown and long lashes. She's of average height and very slim. 

Personality - Becca is generally a nice person and will look out for you. She is trustworthy and loyal. She faces her problems head on and is not naive. She's suffered a lot with her parents' death, leaving her in charge of her younger sister, so if someone does something to her/family/friends she is very feisty and ruthless. 

Weapon of Choice - Knives - throwing and hand to hand combat. 

Special Skills - She can run really fast and quietly. She's good at sneaking up on people. She can climb super fast. 

Favourite Activity - She likes observing people and then writing in her journal. 

District Token - Her late mother's silver band ring with emeralds. 

Celebrity - Maisie Williams 

Theme Song - Apologize by One Republic

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