District 1 Girl: Shimmer Olivero (LittleRue) ~DEAD~

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Name: Shimmer Olivero

District: 1

Appearance: Long black hair, stunning blue eyes, tall and 'willowy' figure

Personality: Evil, Sarcastic, Can be Charismatic when wanted, She is hot-headed and savvy (street-wise), She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it

Weapon of Choice: knifes, and she can do camouflage

Special Skills: Pretty dang fast, quite clever, super-charming when needed, plus she is amazing at designing clothes

Favourite Activity:  Anything creative really, she loves putting her energy and time into great painting or beautiful dresses, it helps to relax her when she feels like she is becoming to angry. 

District Token:  Flower crystal but on the back it says, Together in Paradise, and it was given to her by her mum who died in child birth to her youngest (duhh) brother

Celebrity: LIly Collins

Theme Song: Rogues Are We

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