District 12 Boy: Brendan (MisterSuz) ~DEAD~

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Name: Brendan/MisterSuz

Age: 14

District:12 (In real life I'd be flooded where I lived, lol.)

Apperance: Fairly Short Brown Hair, Square Jaw, Medium Build, Tan skin, a bit of blemishes on the face, and an Abe Lincoln-ish chin facial hair. (Yes, I'm 14 and I've been growing out my facial hair, lol. If you don't think so I can show it off in another profile pic xD)

Personality: Kinda Quiet, Prefers others to start conversations. Not usually visibly angry, though can snap under pressure. Is pretty snarky and likes to tell jokes and use humor to manage with bad news/tough times, no matter how corny they are. Doesn't want to go all out and fight, but definately isn't afraid to defend himself.

Weapon of Choice: I would like to say a giant killer mech suit robot, but we probably can't do that :P. Would a crossbow be pushing things? If so, I'm good with a machete :D

Special Skills: Strong, knows a lot of moves in hand to hand fighting (mainly Jiu Jitsu and Boxing). Is a decent marksman up close. Prefers Stealth and Dirty Fighting.

Favorite Activity: Writing and Fighting (Same as in real life :P)

District Token: A vintage pocketwatch.

Interview Outfit: Suit in the pic of me

Reaping Outfit: Possibly the same suit if the mighty Cinna permits.

Celebrity: Does this have to be done? I would basically like Myself, so just credit MisterSuz as himself.

Theme Song: Tears by Health

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