District 1 Boy: Lucai Roling (xCha0ticS0ulsx) ~DEAD~

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Name: Lucai Roling (loo-kay rah-ling)

Age: 16


Appearance: Dark, shaggy hair highlighted with dark red streaks. The average/stereotypical build of a 'jock' (strong, tan, muscly. Etc.) a stubbly facial mask.

Personality: Boisterous and opinionated, Lucai gets in soo much trouble, only to get redeemed by his fathers high place in royalty (if this works for you..). He is always one to crack a joke, and always hides behind a facade. Every and any problem/emotion he's faced is never shown. He hides behind walls on his mind. He is more of a locked box, instead of an open book.

Weapon of Choice: Duel Wielded Swords (specially made by his fathers own blacksmith. They are spiked, and curved at the tips. Incredibly deadly, and capable of being placed together to form a makeshift shield).

Special Skills: Stealth, can hold breath for minutes on end, capable of adapting vastly to a new situation, witty, training in all weaponry.

Favorite activity: drawing up armor and weapons, training for his inevitable departure to the Games.

District Token: A vial filled with his brothers ashes, which he hangs around his neck as a reminder of everything he's ever been through, and that he can always be stronger.

Interview Outfit: A tuxedo fitted with sequins and things.

Reaping Outfit: His brothers old suit, covered in years worth of pain.

Celebrity: TBD (I don't understand this one all too well)

Theme Song: United States of Eurasia/ Collateral Damage by Muse

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