Round 1: Reaping

260 7 24

I know we don't have all of the tributes yet, but I will be D2 boy and the rest will die in the bloodbath :) So our first round is the Reaping. Write about your character's Reaping.

1) PM me your entry

2) I take entries until Wednesday 27th, I know about the different time zones and stuff...i am central , just saying

3) If you don't get your entry by Wednsday, it won't be displayed, but you will still be able to continue in later rounds

4) Our lovely judges CatoxClove_Forever and a mistery judge(you will not know who it is until the end, when the Victors are announced)

5) After all of the Entries are in there will be a voting period, where you will get to vote for your favorite one--you get to vote for 6-8 people at the most.

6) May the odds be ever in your favor!

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